🌙 Angsty headcanons 🌙

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this will be heavy my guys so please be careful, don't trigger yourself reading this. I want the best for everyone so please read with caution ❤️❤️

Here's some home life headcanons :')


Roy :

• He lives with his uncle and father. His mother died when he was very little. His uncle is a scumbag and lives with them because he's too lazy to get off his ass and work, so Roy's father allows him to live with them and works extra. His uncle is the "babysitter" for Roy most the time since his father is almost constantly working.

• Well... we all know the whole uncle thing. He was sexually assaulted as a child, but was too young to understand that it was bad. He felt extremely uncomfortable and is scarred by it and understands now that he's older. At the time he didn't know it was bad and didn't tell anyone.

• His father could care less about Roy's existence. He thinks Roy is just a waste of money and blames him for things he can't control or has nothing to do with.

• Roy has multiple undiagnosed mental illnesses. He has a lot of social issues and struggles when communicating. He's very aggressive and has intense mood swings that effect him a lot. Mental breakdowns from frustration or stress is very common for him.

• He's very sensitive and insecure about himself. He tries to act tough and make it seem like people's criticism doesn't effect him but it really does. He can never take it well and overthinks everything. The insecurities came from his father "unintentionally" insulting his appearance when he gets angry.

• He won't open up much, but sometimes he'll call his friends really late at night to vent. His friend have learned this, so they immediately answer if they get a call at two in the morning.

• The reason he bullies anybody is mostly because of jealousy. I feel he bullies Skid and Pump because of how easy they have it, he's jealous of how great of a life they have. Along with how carefree they are of others opinions. When at their age he was suffering a lot from feelings he couldn't even make sense of. He envies them and that results in the bullying.

Ross :

• Okay.. about Ross. Both his mother and father are higher ups at work, they are barely ever home. They leave starting at 6 a.m. and get home around midnight or later. Even when they are home on their days off, Ross never talks or spends time with them. His dad is always on the phone anyway.

• Kevin, his older brother, has taken care of him most his life. They are very close.

• He honestly hates his parents for working so much and never caring about either of their sons. He says it's fine and he doesn't care that their never around, but it really takes a toll on him. He struggles to feel loved by anybody and has abandonment issues.

• He was diagnosed with depression and social anxiety disorder. Not to mention he has trust issues. He is very closed off from the world, his only friends he's ever had were Robert and Roy. His friends know how common it is for him to shut down and need alone time. So when Ross starts going through something usually they will leave him alone unless he needs someone to talk to.

• He only vents to Kevin. But even then doesn't release everything. He tries to minimize it or hide the sadness as a different emotion so Kevin doesn't worry.

Robert :

• The most mentally stable out of the three... well as of recently.

• When he was little, His father would abuse him and his mother. Physically and verbally. He went through some bad things as a child and taught unhealthy coping methods, such as self-harm and even starving himself. His mother eventually escaped that hell with her husband, and they moved into their current neighborhood. His mother remarried, and even  had another child, Roberts younger sister.

• Since then he's been through therapy and made a full recovery. He's gotten rid of any unhealthy habits.

• Robert sometimes sees his scars and gets upset though. He remembers bad things and gets overwhelmed and upset. He will go to anyone to vent, Whether it be his friends or either of his moms. He's very open about what he went through, just dislikes pity when talking about it. He's genuinely very proud of himself for surviving such a low point in his life.



Bye bye !! 💕

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