🌙 Sexuality + Pronouns 🌙

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Hello!! What's your sexuality and pronouns?

I'm a lesbian (but I'll be bisexual for the hatzgang😳😳) and I go by she/they! 💞

Oh yeah, A/N at the end. It's your choice to read it. It's semi important, mainly just me ranting.


Roy :

• He is pansexual!

• A ftm transgender, goes by he/him.

• He's also polyamorous!

Ross :

• He's Pansexual!

• Either he/him, or a Demiboy with he/they pronouns.

Robert :

• He is Omnisexual!

• He's a cis boy with he/him pronouns

• Asexual or Recipromantic


I'm sorry for the very small post with little effort. I wanted to do this anyway and needed to keep posting. I'm trying my absolute hardest to get things done, I'm going through some hard shit at the moment and every time I get the motivation to write it goes away quickly.

I'm really sorry guys, I'm trying my best. I love you all and thank you for the support. ❤️

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