🍁Ross X Reader

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Skid and Pump 😳😳💁‍♀️


but uh anyway. all hail Ross. You guys r babysitting the two spooky dummies. plz don't let them die, they will most likely get themselves suck in the microwave together.


"Ross please! I need your help!"

It was evening time, and I was preparing for my first babysitting job for Lila. She had randomly asked me to babysit Skid and Pump for her since her babysitter had quit and she recently got a new job. I was pretty nervous and wasn't sure how good I was with kids.. so I tried asking my good friend Ross to come help me. We were super close! He'd help me, right?

Well nevermind. He hates little kids.

"Please! Just this once I swear!"

"Y/N," He sighed, "You accepted this job. Do it yourself."

"Ross please I'm begging! I'll split the money, anything you want!" I pressed again. "I'm super scared to do this alone. I don't know if I'm good with kids.."

He let out a long sigh. "Fine. Just because your sooo helpless."

"Thank you Ross! I'll repay you I swear!"

I hung up and gathered my stuff, heading out the door and down to Lila's house.

- Time skip -

I knocked loudly on Lila's door. Waiting patiently for her to answer the door. The sound of a lock clicking caught my attention, soon enough the door flew open. Revealing a very stressed looking Lila.

"Oh! hello! I'm sorry, I'm such a mess.."

"it's fine!" I smiled.

She slung her purse over her shoulder and let me inside. Her house decent sized, the living room to the left and the kitchen to the right. She finished gathering her car keys and phone, shoving them into her bag and letting out a breath of relief.

"I'm sorry this was so sudden. Skid told me you were starting babysitting and I really needed that tonight, I have a job interview."

"Oh yeah, I'll babysit anytime." I said with a smile, "I hope you don't mind.. my friend is coming over to help. This is my first job.."

"Oh yes that's perfectly fine, even better, I do have an extra kid tonight." She laughed.

I nodded saying a silent thank you. Lila finished packing and making sure the house was together. She stopped by the stairs, looking up them and calling for skid.

"Skid! Come down the babysitters here!"

After the sound of aggressive footsteps the two boys came crashing down the stairs yelling about spooky month like always. I swear that's all that circles through their tiny minds.

Skid and Pump stop in their paths and stare blankly at me. I awkwardly waved with a small smile. The two boys look at each other and then back at me before sprinting over and grabbing my legs.

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