🍁Ross X Reader

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High school AU bitchessss. Anyway, I may or may not be a HUGE simp for this man... he's precious. Honestly I see him as an artsy kid so here's this. Enjoy the story :) 💕


"Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!"

I sped down the hall, anxiety rising in my chest. I got so caught up in a conversation with my friend I didn't even realize the bell was going to ring. I wouldn't have cared if I was a little late, but remembering how strict my teacher was in my next class definitely meant a detention. I didn't have time for that!

After using every ounce of energy I had to speed walk down the hallway, and book it when teachers weren't there, I had finally made it to my class. I walked inside awkwardly, everyone already being in their seats and chatting loudly. I got a look from my teacher, like he was scanning me and looking for an excuse to hand me a detention slip.

I went over to my desk and threw my backpack down. I glanced at the board for instructions on what to do and got out my materials for class. After having everything ready and on my desk, I let out a tired sigh and slouched over. Awaiting the bell.

I heard a teasing laugh from beside me, before someone poked my shoulder. I turned my head, eyes meeting with my desk mate.

"What Skid?"

"Someone looks tired." He teased. I just furrowed my eyebrows and looked away. I was too tired for this.

Skid was freshman, and I was a Junior. This class was a combined elective, having mushed most the grades together. Skid and his friend Pump were the only freshmen's besides one other kid.

Skid was pretty well liked, he had a cool fashion style and likable personality. Him and Pump had randomly attached to me when I stood up for them one time around the beginning of the year. Now they were good friends of mine.

"Yeah, I am tired. You know, if you were as old as me, you'd feel my pain." I replied. Mocking their age as always. Skid playfully frowned at me, and I heard Pump giggle from behind us.

The bell rang, interrupting our short conversation. The teacher stood.. and we all shut up. He was a scary teacher. He explained class, though I already knew from the directions on the board. Him saying it made it a thousand times worse for some reason.. and I had to fight the urge to groan out loud.

This was going to be a long class.

- Time skip -

The bell went off.

"-And don't forget to read chapters 189 through 191 and do the questions on 192!" The teacher shouted as everyone packed up and left the classroom.

I was working on shoving my stuff into my bag,  Skid watching me with one backpack strap over his shoulder. Pump came up by his side. I always forget how tall he is, it's really startling. His height and puffy orange hair really makes him stick out.

"What?" I questioned their staring, finally getting my binder situated in my bag to where I could close it. I swung my backpack straps over my shoulders.

They both just stared at me with blank faces. Weirded out, I just started walking away and to my next class.

"Where are you headed next?" Skid asks me. I jump slightly, both of them are following me. Well, more like Skid is following me and Pump never leaves his side.

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