🌙 Pet names 🌙

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I'm getting more hc posted and I'm doing this in the middle of class lol. I'M A HUGE PET NAME PERSONNN ARG IF U CALL ME PET NAME I WILL CRY-

anyway, here's ur juice :)


Roy :

• He isn't too big on pet names, nicknames are more his thing. He could scramble up your name in so many ways it's annoying. Usually any pet names will be something playfully mean. Loser, dumbass, wonderful names like those. He doesn't mean it lol don't get sad.

• THOUGH, rarely, you'll get a sweetheart or babe out of him.

• Names he likes? Oh anything to be honest. He does get flustered at most of them though. He loves it when you call him pet names, he feels special. He especially likes it if he gets an "idiot" or "dumbass" back.

Ross :

• Pet names are this mans thing. He will call you everything in the book. Darling, love/lovely, and baby are the ones you will hear most.

• He likes seeing your reactions, whatever name makes you the most flustered.

• Names for him? He really doesn't mind anything.. unless it's babe or sweetie those make him feel a different way- he will actually explode. His cheeks turn fucking RED.

Robert :

• He lovessss pet names. He has a couple names for you that he sticks with which include, honey, hun, sweetheart, and baby. Oh, can't forget honeybun.

• When talking to Rob, you will hardly ever hear your name. It's always nicknames or pet names lol

• Names he likes? Oh my god, literally anything. He will probably die if you call him a pet name. He thinks it's so cute and gets all happy. If you call him babe and he starts squealing and kissing the fuck out of you, that's why.



bye bye, have a good day! Drink lots of water and get a snack! :)

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