⭐️ Important A/N ⭐️

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Hello loves! I just have something to say.

I'm starting school tomorrow :')

plz help. I don't wanna go back people r so meannnn-

But anyway, Posting is going to slow down a lot. I'm very sorry! There's only a few days (not counting weekends) that I'm able to write so it's going to take a lot just to finish a chapter. I will try my best to work fast but it's very hard. I always try to make my work the best and the final result as perfect as possible so it takes a lot of time.

Monday and Wednesday I have sports practice after school, so that only gives me an hour or two. I have nothing after school Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday thank god. My weekends will be (hopefully) mainly open besides the occasional sports game.

I do have a decent amount of free time throughout the week to write so hopefully chapters won't take too long to get out. Please remember though, I have other hobbies, homework, and things to do. So if a chapter is taking a while I apologize but writing isn't my whole life..

I will try my best to work persistently but there will be no promises on when I get things posted and no scheduled days for things to be done. I'm going to just go with the flow of things.

Also, another quick thing..

Thank you so much for 700 reads! I didn't expect to get that many people reading this! It really means a lot to me, I hope people enjoy my writing.

The supportive comments and people voting for chapters really makes me happy. Thank you a ton. 💞

thanks for reading! I just wanted to warn people because I have no clue how fast I'm able to work while also balancing school.

Okay, that's all. Bye bye!

- Kennie 💕💕

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