🍁Hatzgang X Reader

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This is small because I'm tired. School is hard. This is really chaotic so enjoy 🧍


I'm not even sure what time it is. Two, maybe three in the morning? Though I couldn't sleep very well even if I wanted to.

I was having a sleepover with my boyfriends. I can't even explain how insane it is. Roy and Ross were playing video games against each other and yelling. I was watching, it was super entertaining watching them bicker. Roy doing most of the yelling, Ross was encouraging him of course, which only made it worse.

"FUCK YOU!" Roy shouted, Ross only laughed in response.

I sighed, looking over at Robert, who was sitting beside me eating popcorn. He just shrugged and let out a giggle.

"Roy. Your head is going to burst from anger, please calm down." I sighed.

Robert and I continued watching the two in a sleepy daze. Ross totally beating Roy again, which made him more angry. Roy pounced on Ross and they start play fighting, kicking and punching at each other with laughs.

Rob look over at me in concern and I just smiled. "It's almost three in the morning how do you guys have this much energy." Robert said in between yawns. I slumped over on him as the two kept fighting, Ross trying his hardest to get Roy off him but he wouldn't budge.

"I had.." Roy blocked a hit from Ross, "four monsters before coming here."

"I have insomnia." Ross said simply.

"How in the world did you get four monsters?" Rob said with wide eyes. I let out a laugh.

"Allowance, never heard of it?" Roy shot back. Though he got distracted and was flipped over by Ross and pinned down. "Shit-"

"I win." Ross announced.

"No you fucking don't!"

Then they were back at it just like that. Ross kept Roy in place before lifting his head up and staring at Robert and me.

"You guys want in?" He asked with a wink. Roy was struggling against his grip and spitting curse words.

"No thanks." I laughed. Robert shook his head and gave them a blank look.

Roy kicked Ross in the stomach making him lose grip and tumble back. "Woah dude watch it- wayy too close to the balls." Roy tackled him onto the ground again.

"You two are insane." I muttered watching the two ruthlessly fight each other... was it even play fighting? This is was a fight the death. Crazy and I knew they'd seriously hurt each other but entertaining none the less.

Robert rolled his eyes at their antics and randomly started playing with my hair. He brushed his fingers through my messy hair and tried making it into a pony tail.


I giggled as he tried his best to make a ponytail. He tried hard, only to take his hands away and let my hair fall back down. He slipped his hands under my arms and wrapped them around me in a tight hug. He kissed the side of my face and smiled lovingly at me.

"I love you hun." He mumbled.

My heart skipped a beat and I smiled right back at him, "I love you too!"

When I looked over at the other two who I thought were still roughhousing, I saw them both staring at us. Uh oh... I know where this is going.

They both scrambled over to us two and laid on me and Robert. Ross kissed my cheek silently and Roy just glared, also kissing my cheek. Then it was a silent contest between the three of them seeing who could kiss me more. Even Robert joined in on this one.

"You guys are babies." I giggled at them, getting smooched on both my cheeks at the same time.

The contest was over when Roy grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. He had an angry smirk directed to the other two afterwards, looking accomplished with himself.

"You done?" I asked.

"Maybe..." Robert said, squinting at Roy.

"Can we go to bed now.." Ross complained, laying on both me and Rob.

"What? You finally tired after all that fighting?" I mocked.


"I'm not!" Roy butted in.

"Listen here 'I drank four monsters' that's your problem." Robert said.

"Your just jealous, I had three white ones and one original." Roy said, crossing his arms.

"Pft.. I like the [insert ur favorite monster flavor ;)]." I said.

"Why are we talking about monsters again?" Ross commented.

"Not sure."

I chuckled, "Okay it's time to go to sleep." I announced.

"Okay mom." Roy quipped. I yawned and laid back on Robert, Ross rested his head on my shoulder when I laid down and Roy rested his head on my chest.

The noise ceased and everything was silent besides the sound of the portable fan blowing obnoxiously.

"Yeah never mind." Ross said, breaking the silence and getting up to grab the controller. Roy got up and followed him without a word.

"Don't be loud I'm going to sleeppp..." Robert groaned. I grinned but kept laying with Rob, I felt restless but I was pretty comfy.

"Don't stay up too late.." I said.

"It's already four in the morning, might as well watch the sun rise."

(881 words)

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