☔️Ross X Reader X Roy

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Uhm- this isn't the fluffiest so uhm.. warning that it does get better, I promise 🤝


Me and Robert made our way through the school hallways, Robert in distress.

"They've been fighting so much, it's worrying me." He said sadly, lifting his backpack strap onto one shoulder.

I scanned through my science textbook, shoving a piece of paper in between two pages as a bookmark. "It's probably fine. Those two are super close, super close friends get in serious fights all the time."

I looked over at Robert's concerned expression, "They'll always make up. I promise." I set a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, giving him a smile.

He mirrored my positivity and nodded. We continued down the hallway to our next class.

We went our separate ways, he had a different class than me. I entered my class and took my seat next to Roy, who immediately smiled and greeted me.

"Hi Roy!" I said, setting my stuff down on the table.

"Hey." He leaned his head on his arm, watching me scramble through my papers to find the one we were working on in class today. I found it, muttering a 'yes!' as I scanned over it. I glanced over at Roy, who was staring right back.

"Uhm... why are you staring at me?" I said, turning my head to the side slightly. He turned away from me, pink dusting over his cheeks.

"Sorry, I was uhm.. zoned out."

I chuckled, "It's okay."

The bell rang, officially starting class, and the teacher stood from their desk. "Okay everyone, I'm going to let you work in groups today. A lot of you are struggling on these problems and more brains are better than one!"

Me and Roy immediately made eye contact, I smiled and nodded. A silent agreement to be partners.

"Get in groups of three!"

The two of us were puzzled. I scanned around the room looking for someone else to join while the class scrambled to find groups. I spotting Ross, I totally forgot he was in this class! He sat so far away, at the very back of the class.

"I'm gonna go ask Ross." I stated, watching Roy's expression turn sour.

"Can we pick someone else? Me and him are kinda in a fight right now." He muttered, looking away from me.

"About what?" I asked.

"It's nothing." He hissed, furrowing his brow.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Well this was awkward. When I glanced back over at Ross, it didn't seem like anyone was going to ask him anytime soon. I felt bad, he had no one else.

"Well if it's nothing then he can join the group." I said back. Roy just looked back at me with pure anger. "Look Roy, he doesn't have a group. We're a gang! I don't care if you had a petty fight we're not leaving him out."

I stood up, completely ignoring whatever Roy shouted at me and went over to lonely looking Ross. I touched his shoulder, making him flinch and stare at me with wide eyes.

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