🌙 Comforting you 🌙

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Depressed? Hatzgang got u 🙏🙏


Roy :

• He'll do whatever you need. Text, call/FaceTime, come over.

• He won't make you talk about, but he will beg for you to tell him. He knows it will make you feel better to talk about it. If you refuse after his begging he'll apologize and make up for it in kisses.

• If you do end up telling him, He will quietly listen. He isn't that good with comforting words so he will probably just show he cares with affection.

• if it's a person making you upset, he may or may not get extremely angry. He'll go into a cursing outburst about how shitty that person is and tell you how great you are. I think that's the only time he's good with words.

• That person will be beat up. He will get the gang and destroy them. No one makes his s/o sad.🧍(if it's a person he technically can't beat up... he has a new hate for them.)

Ross :

• He will call you instantly if you tell him something is wrong. He prefers calling/texting but will come over if needed.

• If you don't wanna talk about, he'll still go on a rant about how much he loves you and how much you mean to him. He'll still try his best to make you feel better even if you don't wanna tell him what's bothering you.

• He isn't all that great with words either. He will comfort you and take time to think about what he will say. Though usually after some thought on it, he will have the cutest and sweetest speech ever.

Robert :

• If something has you upset, he's coming over immediately. You can't stop him. He's going to crawl through your window and cuddle you.

• He will bring a water bottle and your favorite snack for you.

• He's okay with you staying silent, if you don't wanna talk about it he won't make you. He will give you all the hugs and kisses you need and try his best to calm you down.

• If you are okay with talking about it, he will listen. He will try his best to give you advice if you want or will just hear you out. He might even cry with you ngl- it makes him really sad hearing that your hurting.


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