🌙 Coming out to them as trans 🌙

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goes out to all my trans babees I love you guys jsjdjdbdi

My non-binary babies won't be forgotten about either! Your pronouns are just as valid! I'm a demigirl myself :]

my friend told me to do this, she doesn't have wattpad but uhh credits to her lol ❤️


Roy :

• Well he's obviously super supportive! He's transgender as well so he understands any hesitation to tell him. It's scary coming out. He is definitely proud of you though, he's very happy you told him.

• Pronouns will be locked in his head and he will follow them.

• He will beat the shit out of someone for misgendering you. It's not that hard to follow, so if they do it on purpose they will die. No one will ever do that to his lover.

• If your getting dysphoric over your body he will aggressively remind you that you are a [boy/girl/non-binary]. He'll go on a rant about it too. In the end, his yelling will make you feel better because you know it's not AT you and he does it with love. He gets upset when your sad, especially if it's over your body:(

Ross :

• Super supportive. He loves you no matter what gender you are. He'll do whatever he can to show you he supports you.

• Pronouns are easy for him to transition into. He remembers them at all times and follows them with ease.

• He will not hesitate to yell at someone if they misgender you on purpose. Hell, if they keep doing it he'll cover your ears and say some nasty shit. He can not stand people who are like that.

• If you ever have a sense body dysphoria, he will always be there to comfort you. He's going to remind you that you are a [boy/girl/non-binary] and nothing can change that. He may also take you shopping, he likes letting you pick out clothes that help fit your identity and make you feel better.

Robert :

• He supports you! Plus he's super excited you found a gender and pronouns that helps you fit in your body. He's happy if your happy and will love you no matter what.

• Will try his absolute hardest to follow your pronouns.

• If someone misgenders you he will tell them you are a [boy/girl/non-binary] kindly, but if they do it on purpose he will probably start a fight. Robert is scary when he's mad..

• Body Dysphoria? He will cuddle you and kiss you a ton. He will tell you that it doesn't matter and you are a [boy/girl/non-binary]. He thinks your gorgeous/handsome no matter what and will show you that.

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