🍁Robert X Agoraphobic!Reader

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TW - Description of a panic attack/panicking in general

Agoraphobia is the fear of crowds and crowded places :)

HOLY HELL ITS FINALLY DONE OMG- I'm sorryyyyy I'm so slow omg. Anyway, I have a lot of Rob drafts for some reason.. not complaining he's awesome- but enjoy!! 💞


Ah, high school parties.

Sometimes I couldn't decide whether I loved or hated them. When there's a ton of sweaty stupid teenagers shoved in a random person's house. Underaged drinking, the random kids doing drugs in the bathroom, the crazy loud music and lights flashing. I mean what were you missing?

They were a lot of fun. I got invited to them a lot because of my crazy friends who loved to party and were very popular in school. It was weird that I liked going to them, I didn't drink or get high usually, I hated how cramped everything was, not to mention the crazy ass atmosphere of people dancing or screaming their lungs out. It was overwhelming yet so fun all at the same time.

Now I said I loved parties, they were fun and all of that. But what I wasn't prepared for was how many people were at this particular party my friend dragged me to.

The second I walked through the doors I was being surrounded from all sides. I could hardly move. The smell of alcohol and perfume was mixing together and it was quite foul. My heart started beating rapidly in my chest and I wasn't sure why. I felt cornered and overstimulated from so many sights and sounds. So many flashing colors, music booming in my ears. The world felt like it was closing in on me.

My breath was cut short, my heart slamming around in my chest, vision blurring over.

I was in full panic mode.

I dropped onto the ground, my legs giving out. I was trying so hard to calm my breathing. Everyone around me took a quick glance and continued whatever they were doing, it was normal for people to just pass out or drop to the ground at parties. I wasn't any different. My whole body was aggressively shaking and I was in a fearful daze. My stomach queasy and tears forcefully pouring from my eyes.

What the hell was going on with me?

"Hey! Are you okay?!"

I snapped back into reality. Still struggling to breathe and my heart beating at a fast pace. I shakily gazed up at the stranger. My throat felt like it collapsed on itself.

"Is everything okay?!" He yelled over the many other people and ear splitting music. He was wearing a green hoodie, had quite long, puffy blonde hair, and was wearing a backwards cap.

I looked at him with teary eyes, body still trembling. I wasn't able to process what was happening, the second I looked around everything got worse again. The stranger gently grabbed my arm, helping me to my feet. My legs were so wobbly I had to lean on him.

He seemed to be confused on what to do before dragging me through the crowd. I could hardly think, my thoughts flooded with nothing but pure fear. He cursed to himself and his eyes darted around at all the dumb teenagers in our way.

He suddenly picked me up off the ground, holding me with ease because of our size difference. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to secure myself. The action was so unanticipated.

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