🍁Ross X Non-binary!Reader

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Requested by @Le_Amy :) I hope it's alright!!

Y'all are adults in this :]

God I wish it was easy to come out to other people. Like why can't using they/them be normalized?? It really sucks when people don't accept you. I hope you know that you are perfectly valid if you are non-binary, and if they don't support you I do! 💕


It was a peaceful night. Birds just starting to quiet down and crickets beginning to chirp. The sky was a navy blue with speckles of stars splattered around like paint.

I was laying on the couch with my blanket, today was just.. a tough day. I don't know why, it was my day off, no work to complete, I basically got to relax and do the things I love all day long.

Maybe it was the fact I planned to tell my boyfriend that I was non-binary. Yeah.. maybe that.

It made me sick just thinking about it. I wasn't sure if he would accept me, but I felt so uncomfortable hearing my old pronouns from him. I had to tell him.. he is my boyfriend after all.

I let out a sigh, scrolling through social media on my phone. Ross would be home from work any minute. I cuddled up in my blanket. Doing whatever I could to distract myself from the uncomfortable nervousness I got from thinking about telling him. I didn't want anything to be different between us.

After a while of lazily laying on the couch in pure silence, I heard the lock of the door start to click. The door knob turned and the door flung open. Ross walked in, looking extremely tired and unhappy.

He set his bag down on the kitchen table and noticed me on the couch. I sat up from my spot and smiled at him. He came over and laid down on top of me, resting his head on my stomach and his hands on my sides.

"...Bad day?" I asked, pity in my voice. He let out a sigh in response.

"Yeah. Sorry."

I took off his beanie and ran my fingers through his dark black hair. "Don't apologize, it's alright. Wanna talk about it?"

"No.. not really. Can we just cuddle." He muttered timidly, looking into my eyes.

"Sure." I smiled, continuing to massage his head. He rested his eyes and had a content smile on his face.

A comfortable silence pursued. Though it was less comfortable for me. My throat was dry, I wanted to simply tell him but it was so much harder than I intended. Ross seemed to notice how tense I was. He held onto my hand and shifted to look up at me.

"Hey is everything okay?"

That's it. I gotta do it, there's no turning back now. "Ross, can I tell you something...?"

He sat up, pulling me onto his on lap. I rested my hands on his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Of course." He smiled at me, staring lovingly into my eyes. He waited quietly, letting me know I had his full attention.

"Ross...I'm.." I felt a loss of words, so many things going through my mind. A lot of other people didn't accept me for who I was, what if he's one of them? I held my breath, squeezing myself closer to him without thinking.

"I'm non-binary." I said quickly, immediately moving my gaze away from him afterwards.

His eyes went wide, "Wait really?" I nodded, giving him a small, nervous, smile. So far so good...

"That's awesome darling!" He shouted happily, a large grin on his face. The amount of relief I felt was unreal. I let out a huge breath that made him chuckle.

"So.. you use they/them pronouns correct?"

"Yeah.." I smiled, butterflies going crazy in my stomach.

"Is that why you were so nervous? Oh baby, I'll love you no matter what." He pulled me into a strong hug. I let out a happy giggle and laid my head against his shoulder.

"I'll always accept you." He kissed my lips lightly and pulled me down with him onto the couch. Now we were both laying together, me in Ross's arms. I rested my head on his chest still unconsciously smiling. "Wanna go shopping tomorrow? For y'know, some more gender neutral clothes?"

"Yeah I'd love to! Thanks Ross." I kissed his cheek and snuggled closer to him. He was in a daze, happily staring off into space. I laughed quietly. I felt as happy as could be, I felt loved and comfortable in my own body for once.

I love him so much.

(777 words)

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