☔️Roy X Reader

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TW - MENTIONS OF @BUSE, SU1C1DE, and death

Roy woahhhhh 😳😳❤️❤️❤️

fluffy angst just because Roy is sad, don't be sad my guy. This is really short too I'm sorry it's all I could really muster at the moment.. shit in my life is stressful.

Lolololol therapist friend vibes from this. Probably because I am one-


I quickly sat up, awoken from my sleep. My heart was beating quickly and sweat was dripping down my face. God damn, another nightmare. I took deep breaths, trying to calm my breathing down.

Nightmares have been getting more frequent for me. It was odd, I never really had dreams before that. Now I was almost constantly having nightmares of my friends or family dying, someone chasing me, or just simply disturbing dreams that freaked me out.

I finally calmed my heart down and was back to breathing at a normal pace. I let out a relieved sigh, laying back down against the comfy sheets and sea of blankets.

As I was laying there, something caught my eye. My phone lit up from across the room where it was charging.

Curious, I ran over to grab it. I turned it on, the bright light blinding me. How many times am I going to do this before I learn? I turned the brightness down. The time which was about three in the morning and a display of notifications showed. Roy was texting, asking to call.

I found it weird. Why is he asking to call at three in the morning? I went onto the chat and called him without responding to his texts.

He answered immediately.

"Hey Y/N.. I'm sorry if I woke you up." He said, but something was off... his voice was strained and watered down. Like he'd been crying. He sniffed, which confirmed my suspicions. He had been crying.

"Hey Roy," I said quietly, trying not to sound groggy. "Is something wrong...? You sound like you've been crying."

He sighed, "Promise you won't make fun of me?"

"Hell no." I answered, listening intently for the reason that got Roy upset. I was glad he was willing to open up to me.

"Thanks.." He let out a struggled breath, more sobs coming from the other line.

"Hey... it's okay. Take your time, I'm here for you." I said, frowning with sympathy.

He muttered another thanks and struggled to get some sentences together.

"I'm sorry for c-calling. My dad is being a dick again and I just can't do this. I needed to talk to someone before I fucking kill myself."

"I'm so sorry." I said, my voice aching. "If you don't mind me asking.. what's he doing?"

"Called me a fat ass, ugly, and some other shit. Said I'm a disappointment just because he got fucking fired." Roy broke into more tears, "I-it's not my f-fault he got f-fired! It's his own damn fault!"

"Roy..." I said, my sentence dragging off. I knew what to say but he was crying so hard I doubt he'd hear. I let him cry, waiting for him to calm down.

"Roy, you are none of those things and your right. It isn't your fault. I'm sorry he blames you, he really shouldn't. He's a bad father." I said boldly, hurting for Roy.

"I hate this house..." He muttered. "Anyway I'll go it's-"

"It's okay. I don't mind."

"You sure...?" He asked unsurely.

"Yes. It's okay."

"Okay..." He went silent for a moment, the sound of him shuffling around in his spot awkwardly.

"Are you okay? You don't really think those things about yourself... do you?" I said, breaking the silence.

"I mean... No." he quickly spat.

"You aren't a disappointment. Your trying your absolute hardest and that's all anyone should expect. You haven't done anything wrong. He really shouldn't blame you for his own shit." I lectured lovingly. "...And your super handsome."

He went silent for a while. "Really..?"

He tried to recover, stuttering. "I mean! Thanks.. T-thanks Y/N. Your way too nice to me."

"Really." I chuckled, "And your welcome. That's my job, I'm always here for you."

"Heh.. your not so bad looking yourself."

"Well thank you." I laughed.

He let out a deep breath, "Okay well I'm tired. I've said this many times but thanks for letting me vent. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Okay! Bye bye!" I said cheerfully.

"I-I love y-you Y/N."

A smile spread across my face, along with blush dusting my cheek. "I love you too Roy."

"Okay- bye."


And we hung up.

(764 words , proud of myself I finally got something done lol)

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