🍁Roy X Fem!Reader

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Part two of the first Roy X Reader oneshot I did, ya'll are going to the dance 💃🕺

This took way too long.🧍

Requested by Oph_le_Oak !! hope u like it :)


It was the night of the dance. A cool Friday night, the sky was a vibrant orange leisurely fading to purple. I was getting ready, picking out my favorite outfit and doing my hair. I brushed through my (H/C) hair, trying to get it as straight as possible. I was a little stressed out at moment.

The dance was a huge deal... well at least my friends thought so. I nervous about looking good, all the people there, and now I had another thing to worry about.

My date.

I was so ecstatic I had a date, not to mention with Roy! But... also pretty nervous. I thought about the fact he had a crush on me, which was crazy. I hadn't spoke with him much, he was in a few classes of mine and I've gotten some information on him from my friends. But it's not like we were close in any way.

I sighed.. coming back from my deep thinking, I finished doing my hair and got dressed. I heard my mother calling me from downstairs which made me speed up the process. I grabbed my belongings, such as my phone and sprinted downstairs.

(A/N: if ur mom isn't that nice, I'm sorry, and she is now. New mother *bonk*)

"Oh there you are Y/N!" My mom looked up from cooking dinner. "You look very nice."

I smiled, "thanks mom."

"Of course! Your friends should be here soon to pick you up. Are you going to eat before you go?"

I shook my head. "They'll have food there." I answered simply, slightly distracted from the group chat that was exploding my phone. All my friends talking about the people they were going with. I rolled my eyes unconsciously.

"...sooo, any boys or girls taking you to the dance?" My mom quizzed, knowing smirk on her face.

"Nope." I quickly spat. My mind wandering to the thought of Roy.

"No one?"

"Yep, no one is taking me! Going with just my friends." I quickly rambled.

"That's sad..."

"Eh, it's fine. Dating is gross anyway.." My mom simply chuckled at me.

The doorbell rang and I ran to answer. I opened the door, my friends greeting me.

"Heyy!" I yelled back.

"Excited for the dance?" One asked. I nodded with a grin.

"With Roy?" Another chimed in teasingly. All the girls smiled and laughed at me, humming 'oooo' mockingly.

I crossed my arms, a blush spreading over my face. "I d-don't understand why it's such a big deal."

"Who's Roy?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"NO ONE! BYE MOM LOVE YOU!" I shouted in a panic, grabbing my stuff and running out of the house with my friends.

My friends giggled, the teasing going on again. I dealt with it, I don't understand why I was getting teased though. They all had people they were going with and didn't get made fun of. Maybe it was because I wasn't the type to have a crush on people, if I did, I wouldn't tell anyone. So the moment I had a date.. it was a huge deal.

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