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We went back home right after New Year's day and by the 5th of January, I had moved out of my home and into my oldest brother's bachelor pad. He gave me the main bedroom and took the guest bedroom, something about needing more space for the baby's things. We never really spoke much about my parents kicking me out and I'm grateful because it hurts to think about it. I remember it clearly. The moment I set foot into the house, fresh from Kwa Zulu, I was told to 'pack my shit and leave'. So my suitcase was left outside while I packed the remainder of my clothes and the things I'd bought for my baby. 

When it was time for me to leave, my parents locked themselves in their bedroom with my baby brothers but I could hear them crying for me because 'No one makes doggies like siso does.' It also made me cry, hearing my youngest siblings who didn't understand why I had to leave home. Bhut'Ntsika and Bhut'Sandile have been with me 24/7. They helped set the crib up and other things for my baby. I've just been staying in my room because once my brothers fully go back to work, it's gonna be just me in this apartment. 

"Yandi wake up, your doctor's appointment is coming up in two hours." I've been up since last night, the baby was much more active during the night and she kept me up. At times I felt like I couldn't breath and when I cried, my chest hurt. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to pee. Something I've been doing every three minutes. I took a long warm shower since my body felt like it was on fire. "I'm almost done." I wore a green dress that was easy to pull off from the top since the straps were untie able. I wore my slippers and applied my face cream once I was done getting dressed. 

The aircon had to be on almost all the time because I was sweating a lot. Once I was fine with everything I had, I left my room to go join my brother. "Done?" I nod and grab the muesly cup from his hands. "Thank you." he had my baby bag in the car just in case anything were to happen. "How did you sleep?"

"I didn't." He looked at me. "The baby was active last night and it hurt to breath." He nodded. "How did you sleep?" He shrugged. "I took short naps." 

"Okay. Did work keep you up?" He shook his head no. "I also couldn't sleep so I forced myself to." We got to the parking lot and walked to his car. I sat in the backseat to satisfy his paranoia. We drove out of the complex and got to my appointment just in time. "I'll be waiting outside for you Love."" He kissed my cheek before going back in the car. I walked in and headed to the reception area. "Hello Sis'Joice." 

"Hi Nana. Dr Hudson will be with you in a few." I sat by the couches and Sis' Joice brought me a hot cup of herbal tea. "To calm your nerves." I shyly smiled and accepted the cup. "Thank you." She went back to her workstation, and I sipped on my tea. It hadn't even been five minutes when the door to Dr. Hudson's consultation room opened, and a woman walked out. We looked eyes and she stared at me with this deep hatred in her eyes. I looked away and focused on my magazine. 

"Yandisokuhle, come in." I got up, left the mag and went to Dr. Hudson. "Hi doc." He smiled at me warmly. "Hello Yandi. Are you ready for today's exam? It's your last one before your baby comes." I smiled, "I am so excited but I'm also nervous." 

"You have every right to feel like that but it will all go well. Just keep doing your exercises and stay away from stress or stressful situations." I nodded but in the back of my mind, I laughed. Ntando has been trying to contact me and I don't know if I should hear him out or keep him at a distance. We finished with my appointment and I had scans of my ultrasound. The baby has a big head but Dr. Hudson assured me that I wouldn't feel it with the epidural. 

"Thank you so much Dr. Hudson." I walked out and I was met with the same woman from before. "Hello. Sit." I looked around and noticed that I was the only one around. "Are you talking to me?" She sighs like I bore her. "Yes you. God! Now wonder why my husband is so obsessed with you!" 

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