Part 1

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Bold Italics=Wheein
Normal= Solar

-3 months ago-
Solar POV
"WHEEIN! You have to stop are just obsessed over me". I grab onto her arms but she just shoved me away and continue torturing the poor innocent boy who just confessed to me.

"Don't stop me my love...he dare to even say he have a special spot for you in his heart".

"WHEEIN! Please stop". I ran in front of the poor boy who was chained up in the basement, I know she was crazy already...I am trying to change her, but I just couldn't.

"Before I have my mans grabbed onto you...move aside".

" know what, I tried my best to love you but you're making it hard...l-let's break up...I don't want more people to die because of me". It took my entire energy to break up with her, she drops her dagger to the ground and walked towards me.

"Y-You can't break up with me are the only person that made me feel love, and Mafias don't feel love we are crazy we kill people threaten them and burn their houses for fun...I wasn't suppose to feel love but you made me feel love...I need you can't just break up with me". Thats right, Jung Wheein...the daughter of the dead godfather of the Jung Mafia family, one of the youngest and richest mafia other than Moon Byul-Yi...her sister not biological or adoptive they are just so close they call each other sister...I found her injured outside my apartment once and out of sympathy I brought her home...never thought she would fall in love with me.

"I'm sorry made your point I make mine now, you are crazy...goodbye".

Wheein POV
She broke up with me...she left me, I gave her all my love and she leave me here with this bastard...wait this bastard he is the reason she broke up with me.

("B-Boss should we go after her")

I grabbed onto my chair and threw it at him, the one thing I hate is when they ask stupid questions when I'm angry.

"Leave her be...I will eventually get her back, this person...slice off his arms and cut off his tongue, I want him to suffer in this world without his arms, legs and ability to speak".

("Yes ma'am").

I took out my phone and immediately called my  best-friend hopefully she is not fucking Hyejin right now.

Moonbyul POV

Which idiot decided to call me at such a bad timing, I step on the guy and look at my phone...Wheein...maybe she want me to join her killing someone who decided to go near Solar.

"Babe you take over, Wheein called me". She got up from her sit and took off her leather jacket, I always find it hot when she does that.

"Stop staring pervert, see if Wheein save any kills for us".

"Hey Jung Wheein, got anything for us...killing, arson or anything fun".

"It's Solar...she...decided to run away, mind if I borrow your girlfriend abilities for awhile". Solar broke up with her, I hope everyone near her don't get killed today.

"Got it, you can count on me Wheein".

"What happened this time".

"Solar broke up with Wheein".

"I get it...I'll go prepare some stuff, but remember it takes time...I know she is not a patient person".

Solar POV
I know Wheein, she wouldn't just let me go that easily...I move out of my old apartment and got a job as a pole dancer in another place, but sometimes I get worried that she may be able to find me...she is a Mafia after all.

("SOLAR! Stop slacking and get on are just some money hungry lady so don't just sit and enjoy some breeze...get up and earn some money for us"). And that was the owner of this club, he is very rude towards the workers here and I hate it...he never really pay on time too...the only time he is nice is when he needs us to please some people.

"I'm on my way". I put my makeup on and change into my uniform...basically just a laced outfit suitable for pole dancing.

I got on stage and held onto the pole...wait for the music to play and start dancing, all eyes were on me but I felt a strong aura and bad feeling all the was more like a gaze, It just make me nervous...and at a certain angle when I turn, I knew I saw her...Jung Wheein...she is here and her eyes were dark, it's just scaring me...there was many people there and I couldn't see clearly...but I know it's her...she have her tattoos on her...she got up from the seat and walked away, but her eyes were still on me...Moonbyul and Hwasa is here too with a bunch of man in black suit, trouble is here.

I got off the stage and rush to the changing room, I drank some water to calm myself down first, I can't believe she is here...I mean I already anticipated all this to happen but I'm still scared.

"Jung Wheein...why can't you just leave me".

("Solar, you have some work to do").

"I-I can't today...I'm not feeling well". I lied to him, I know it's Wheein...that's why I refuse to accept the offer...Wheein is crazy when we have sex, she is rough despite having a small body.

("Please just accept this, she is dangerous and she is going to kill everyone here if I don't convince you").

I can't believe she is still the same, a killer...I don't want to do it at all...I don't want people to die too...I should just go and please her this once and beg her to stay away.

"I'll be there shortly". I made my way to the VIP room, there stood Hwasa and Moonbyul staring at me...and my dumb brain decided to pretend not to know them.

"Sorry for making you wait, I had to do my makeup". I bowed politely with a smile, but my hate rate was probably at around 200 tight now, I opened the door and entered and saw a few things on the bed...she used them on me before...I still remember"

"Hello baby~ I miss you so much". My first instinct was to ignore her obviously, I walked to bed and look at the items laid out perfectly for me to view...handcuffs, leather whip, a vibrating dildo with straps on...I got scared and decided to walk backwards bumping into Wheein.

"I use them on you before, why are you still scared". I finally turn to look at her...I almost fainted when I saw her state...blood mess...her leather suit was drench in blood".

" look red".

"Oh this...don't worry I just killed a few people who was staring at you...I decided to wear something like this since it's easier to wash the blood off".

"You killed again...I thought that was the reason why I broke up with you, you never change...whatever I'll let you fuck me and that's all...after that just stay away from me". I don't want to do this at all, but it's not like I have a choice...she threatened my boss.

"Oh no...I'm planning to punish you here and taking you back with me slut".

"W-Wait WHEEIN"! I yelled as she pushed me on bed and handcuffed my hands to the headboard.

"Now lets begin...".

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now