Part 23

239 13 17

Bold Italic=Wheein

Solar POV
2 months...

That is exactly how long Sodam have me already, she have been trying to charm me for a very long time...with stupid pick up lines and dumb food and drinks...sometime she try to kiss me but I would slap her and walk away, and without Wheein by my side...I couldn't sleep...Sodam thought it's just a simple insomnia and gave me pills, but's because Wheein isn't by my side, and there is times I went into panic mode and will bang my head against the wall while screaming for Wheein...for


I grabbed onto the plates and smashed them at the walls, no matter how many weeks have past...I just couldn't forget it, Wheein...I had nightmares sometime...she was shouting my name and then...blood...everything was red, the way she died in my dream just make me want to cry.

Sodam: ("Solar! Solar! Please...stop this, you might get cut by those plates").

Sodam will bring me to a psychiatrist for me to get help, but every time they ask me what's wrong...I stay silent...I would continuously whisper out Wheein name for them to hear, they did tell Sodam that I miss somebody so much...which angered her a lot.

Sodam: ("WHY! Why do you love her more than me!")


I screamed and cried, Sodam will look at me with guilt and sadness in her eyes...she knows I love Wheein with all my heart, she couldn't accept it...she could never accept the fact that I love her...because she claimed that innocent pure ladies like me deserve someone better.

Sodam: ("come here...I brought chicken skewers").

The first few days of living here I didn't eat, not a single food...I was hungry but every time I look at her, I get mad...because it's her that took Wheein away from me, she is the one that killed Wheein...and I hate her so much.

"I'll eat...only because Wheein wouldn't want me to starve".

Sodam: ("WHEEIN IS DEAD! Why wouldn't you get that").


"So what if she is dead...I'll love her till my very last breath, you think I'll move on and cry on your shoulders just because she is gone...never! My love for Wheein is stronger than you think...I wish you died instead of her".

Sodam: ("Why...why her...why not me, I wouldn't care if you dated someone else but her!")

I ignored her and went to the table, her dumb rambling again...I am use to it by now...I wish Wheein is here with me right now, I miss her...I miss having her touch me in naughty places...I miss how she tugged on my leash everyday and I miss teasing her.

Sodam: ("I wish I didn't break up with you, would have gave me your love instead").

"Shut up...SHUT UP!!!!"

Wheein POV

I said coldly, after realising that Solar is in South Korea I immediately moved back reputation here is much terrifying than you imagined...I had went to all parts of South Korea in 2 months already...Seoul is the last part, she got to be here...I had my mens ask everybody and if they have no clue on Solar, I will immediately kill them including police...I definitely had fun fighting them when I got back here, I am wanted after all...but who cares, they are weaker than I imagined.

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now