Part 8

400 17 43

Bold Italics=Wheein

Wheein POV
My brain stopped functioning for a moment, my girlfriend is holding a gun towards someone I didn't know...her arms were shot and she is bruised a made my blood boil.

"W-Wheein...I-I got shot...h-he attack me".

I took the gun from her and shoot the man, of course not at his head because I won't let him die in such a simple way after injuring my girl.

"Babygirl~ Stand back...things will be getting ugly".

She got behind me and hugged onto me, I smiled for awhile and shoot another bullet at his legs...I was furious, how dare somebody mess with my fucking women.

("Is that all you got...just shooting")

He is obviously sent by someone who have a grudge against me, I am going to have a lot of fun this few days.

"Hey Wheein, I have a few drugs I need to test...mind if I...take it from here".

"Of course, but make sure he is alive...don't let him die easily".

I quickly carried Solar to the carpark and drove to the base, rushing in like a crazy woman and demanding for the doctor.

"'s not that bad".

"Hush just got shot, AND YOU...GO GET JENNIE KIM RIGHT NOW"!

Jennie is one of the person who deals with our injuries, she is trained by the beat doctor in the world and of course she is also trained in fighting...wouldn't want any weaklings in my gang.

Jennie: ("I'm here...what's the emergency boss")

"My shot by some idiot".

She quickly went to examine her and quickly took out the bullets, she patched her arms and wrapped it in bandage.

"Thank you...Jennie".

Jennie: ("Wow, I must be the last person to know that boss have a are hella gorgeous").

"I-It's umm...complicated but I am not her girlfriend, actually I suppose I am her ex but...she just is just a complicated story".

I really felt a crack in my heart this time, she still don't accept me...she don't see herself as mine, just my ex girlfriend that got kidnapped by me.

"Don't listen to her bullshit...she is mine, my girlfriend".

Jennie: ("'s really complicated").

Solar POV
It was supposed to be a normal why are we suddenly here at their base looking at the man who just shot me...hung up upside down...being tested on drugs by Hyejin.

"Why am I even here".

I got up from the seat and tried to walk away only to be stopped by Wheein, I yanked her arms and walk away angrily...but she shocked me...I didn't want any of this to someone is going to die because of me again.

"Remember...stay near me at all time".

She pulled me onto her lap and gave me a kiss on the cheek, Hyejin took out a few...unwanted things and placed them on the table...some are liquids in bottles and some are pills.

"W-Wait you are not going to test all the drugs on him right Hyejin".

What if he dies of overdose, which is the main reason why they want to do this but isn't it going to be dangerous.

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now