Part 2(M)

662 22 4

Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV
Take me out of this nightmare please...somebody save me from this monster, I have no idea what will become of me.

"Why so stiff, you use to beg for my touch". That was before I realize that you are a monster from are a crazy killer and one day, god will be punishing you for the sins.

"I'll be washing the blood off me, wait here" She kiss me and walk away, I remember how she use to do this to me...she have a thing for seeing me injured, just a simple bruise would make her smile like a sadist. I am stuck here with a crazy mafia...and her best friend is outside making sure things go well, I mean how can someone born with an angelic face and small body be a strong murderer waiting to eat me out.

"I'm back~ sorry it took so long my love"

"Wheein...please don't call me that" I get goosebumps when she call me that, normally people will be fine with it, but when she calls me was poison.

"I can call you however I want...and you won't be stopping me, I got a little surprise for you Kim Yongsun...Hyejin made is for us, I hope it works well" Hwasa made it...that means it's definitely dangerous, she make any kinds of drugs...they are always for poison or torture...I don't know what she make this time but I am not letting it inside my body.

"get it away from me".

"I hope you know this...I Hate it when people don't listen to me, so be a good girl and stay still" She grab my head forcefully and tilt it up, she get the syringe and push the unknown liquid out of it...I was scared, but I can't do anything to her...she is stronger than me and it's probably useless to fight with her while being cuff to a bed.

"Is that going to kill me".

"I won't kill you baby, but I might torture you for trying escape from me" She injects the strange liquid in my body and let go of my head, I was fine at first...but after awhile my body starts to heat up...I feel hot and sweaty, I feel as if my whole body is begging for something.

"what did you inject in me". She got up from the bed, I was here suffering and she just walk out...I feel really uncomfortable...I need help.

Wheein POV

I love to see my little toy suffer, Hyejin gave me the right drug this time...she will be crying for help and begging for me if I leave her alone for awhile, don't hate me Solar...this is just a simple punishment.

"So...did it work"

"It's splendid are amazing at making drugs" It took a few months for her to make it...but it worked like magic, I only needed some drugs to make Solar faint or something but she insisted to make some sex drug or something.

"You're just going to make her suffer like that...did your even fuck her like you said you will". I will be fucking her, she is mine to fuck and only mine to play with...I have no idea what her idiotic brain was thinking about working here as a stripper but I will be making her get into her senses.

"I am going to make her suffer a little, but right now we are going have a with the owner of this club".

"Stay here and guard". I know the owner of this club is a money hungry person, if I give him just $500 000 he would give me Yongsun.

"Well let's go get your girl back".

It was suppose to be easy to deal with him, who knew Yongsun was the one bringing him the wealth.

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now