Part 9

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Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV
No...not again...I don't want her to do this again, I hesitated for awhile before tugging on the chains gaining her attention...I wasn't able to speak...she had a ball gag in my mouth.

"Baby~ what is wrong...I listen to you and decided not to fuck you...I had to stop myself from even touching you and I even allowed you to stay on bed".

I was happy at first when she agreed that she won't be doing it with me, I was happier when she said she wouldn't want to lock me in the basement...but she have decided to have me chained up on bed...gagged until I learn how to...behave.

"Oh can't speak am I right, here let me get it off for you...I like to see if you learn how to behave".

I just want to drink some least remember I am a human and I need water to survive this world.

"I'm thirsty".

She look at me and smirked, she took a glass of water and drank it all...I was completely shock...did she just drank all the water in front of me when I said I am this a way for her to brainwash me into submission, does she really want to make me a broken doll for her to play with.

"Wheein! What do you want exactly, am I not even allowed to drink a single drop of water"

She sat on bed and trace a knife towards my neck, I closed my eyes and flinched away...I felt the sharp object at my throat and I stayed still...she can kill me anytime if she wants right now and I can't fight back.

"You have a beautiful neck".

I opened my eyes and gulp, she she threw the knife at the wall slightly above my head, it stayed there for a moment which made me scared...she grabbed the knife and placed it on the table and laid next to me...she patted my cheek and forced me to tilt my head so I am facing her.

"A-Alright made your point, I am scared so please stop".

She quickly got up and hovered on top of me...I really want to cover my naked body right now, except I can't because of my restraints.

"Why are you so afraid of your own girlfriend, don't you love me anymore".

What do I say, if I say the truth she will start to go crazy like just now...if I don't say the truth she will think I really love her and keep me here forever.

"I-I don't know".

"I'll make sure you know soon enough, you're lucky I have to find who is this Eric guy".

Of course she forgotten him, she always forgets who she killed especially when that bastard is my ex...yeah she forgets almost all her victims yet she have to remember me.

"You killed him...he was my ex boyfriend, I just have no idea how is he still alive...and why is he coming after me".

Wheein POV
Her ex boyfriend...who was it again, does she even have an ex...oh who cares, after I kill him...he will be burning deep underground while I fuck my girlfriend.

"You said you were thirsty right".

I grabbed a bottle of wine and opened it, I hope she remember back when we have romantic dinner together...I will always buy this wine for the both of us to enjoy...cost at least 8095 USD for every bottle but the flavour is amazing.

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now