Part 12

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Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV
Since the incident happened, I've been taking good care of Wheein...I finally got my collar back but this time in a different style but the same colour, I told myself that any collar is long as she is the one who put it on me.

"You look beautiful...the new collar suit you so much".

"You literally spent hundreds on it..."

It may sound cheap to her...but 700 usd is a lot, and for what...having my name carved on the collar with some stones on it and 2 metallic sun attached to's basically overpriced.

"What about Eric...did you do anything to him".

I frowned when she mentioned that name, isn't he the reason why she ended up injured have been exactly 2 month since he went into coma state, Hyejin said she used a substance to make him go into coma state for awhile...she said by the time Wheein heals up he will be awake too.

"Hyejin is evil...really evil".


"Why? What did she do".

"I-I want to torture Eric...but she put him in a coma until you heal up".

"Are you really the same person that said she is not a monster like me from 3 months ago".

"Would you want me to be the person I use to be or the person now..."

I whispered in her ears and moan her name, for 2 months I have been teasing her and using her injuries as an advantage to make her sexually frustrated...she would always get angry and growl but I know she can't do anything about it, I enjoy teasing her...seeing her annoyed is fun for a mafia lord.

"Jennie how's my injury...".

Jennie: ("It seems to be mostly healed up, just another week and you can fuck your girlfriend").

Wheein was brightened up by that sentence, I on the other hand was scared...I might or might not sent her videos of me masturbating while she was in her base...and all the teasing is definitely going to give her the power to make me limp for a month...I tried to sneak away only to stop when she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to her.


"Don't worry...sooner or later, you'll be begging for me to fucking sure had fun for 2 months, but it's time for me to have fun soon".

Oops...I think I just dug my own grave...I guess it's her turn to have fun now, not that I have a problem with it.

"I'll be sure to give you a surprise when you fully heal you so much Whee..."

"I love it when you say that".

"Shut up stupid Yandere".

I got up from my seat and went back to the mansion, everybody greeted me as I entered...Wheein had to do her mafia things this few I had to stay at home alone...but it's great because I have time to practice my dance.

I took a camera and placed it on the camera stand and set it up, I want to tease her as much as pole dancing naked...I want to have her rough on me, super rough she possibly break me...I'll upload the video to my phone and send it to Wheein later.

Wheein POV
Jennie unwrapped my bandages and threw it away, she looked at the scar and smiled at me keeping her things away.

Jennie: ("Just wait for a week...and no sex during this one week")

I nodded and went inside my office, all the boys standing outside immediately made way for me and bowed down...they were all afraid of me, I look at the person that was kneeling down inside my office all beaten up...he owe me a few bucks and I am not going to go easy on him.

"Wheein...this Idiot touched my girl just now".

Moonbyul gritted her teeth and threw him in front of me, that really explains why he is all beaten up...and why all the boys outside is so frightened.

"I'll add that to his debt"


"Wait a second...important message from my girl".

She sent me a video for some reason, I open it and look at her...not wearing anything at all, I bite on my lips as I watched her walk towards that pole...she gripped on the pole and waited for some sexual song to start playing, she dropped down on her knees and lifted her legs onto the pole...I was amazed by that skill, it must be hard pole dancing...yet alone dancing naked, her skin must have burnt.

She dropped on her knees and flipped her hair back, she grabbed onto her leash on the floor and hooked it onto the ring on her collar, pulling it as if I was there...she went towards the pole and bend her back and finally walking towards the camera and kissing it before ending the video.

"What did she send".

I quickly turned my phone when Hwasa walked towards me, I need to heal up quick...she needs to learn her fucking lesson, I can't have her teasing me for a week and not doing anything.

"As I was to try and hide from me, and touched my friends girl...Moonbyul tell him what you do when people touch what belong to us".

"Let see...well usually I just chop off their hands, but he touch my most precious treasure...he touched my girlfriend...I should have him eat his own dick...I should have snakes and spiders bite onto him".

("P-Please I'm sorry...I-I'll pay the debt...and I won't touch her again").

"We don't do second chances...babe do it".

After all the bloody mess, me, Moonbyul and Hyejin went out for some drinks...Solar said she is outside right now but she haven't been replying me...wonder where is she.

"No...Lisa yah, I am not returning".

I got excited when I heard her voice, I quickly ran towards it but stopped when I saw her hugging another girl...who is that girl...why is she here, what is her relationship with my dare she touch her with that hand.


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