Part 13

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Bold Italics=Wheein

Wheein POV
"B-Babe...who is she...why are you hugging her, oh decided to ignore my text and now you're hiding things from me".

I get out my gun and was ready to shoot that tall lady, but Solar stood in front of she is protecting her...great...that just made me even more angry.

"Wheein...please put that gun down, let me explain".

"I don't need any's there...the evidence of you cheating on me with...what is her name..."

Lisa: ("Lisa...and I am actually her friend from South Korea, and please put that gun girlfriend can be a little...crazy").

She called my Solar her girlfriend, how dare she...I need to clean her mouth with her own blood...I ran up to her and grabbed Solar away from her.

"Any last words..."

Lisa: ("yes actually....JENNIE SAVE ME!")

Jennie...wait what, is she someone close to can't be right, Jennie left South Korea with us months ago...I would've known this girl if she knows Jennie.


I was about to shoot her until a girl came towards me and kicked away my gun, she is wearing a mask so I couldn't see her face, she took out a pocket knife and aimed at me...I was surprised and pointed my gun at her.

Jennie: ("Wait...Boss...Lisa you know my boss")

That voice it can't be such a coincidence right...she slowly remove her mask and all of us gasped at the same timing, what is this...Jennie know that girl...correction why does she know her...I'm confuse.

"Alright...ladies, it's just a misunderstanding...we can head over to that café...WITHOUT your weapons and talk about it".

A misunderstanding...I see no misunderstanding here, she literally hugged my girlfriend and suddenly Jennie is involved too...and she is good at knife obviously but I never expected her to use the worst knife of all knife...a god damm pocket knife...against a gun.

"I hope it's really a misunderstanding..."

"Come on Wheein...I won't miss out on free coffee...besides it could really be a misunderstanding".

"I mean why would Solar cheat on you".

Right...why would my darling Solar cheat on me, she is not a cheater...even if she is...people probably seduced her, she is always going to be mine.

"Alright...I'll calm down, babe...I'll add that to your punishment".

"Punishment...wait why am I getting punished, what did I do...".

"I wouldn't forget what you sent me are really brave aren't you, teasing me for 2 fucking months...just wait until my legs heal...I'll fuck you rough you wouldn't walk for days".

I held her waist and kiss her on the cheek, not forgetting to whisper what I'll do to her the moment Jennie says my leg is as good as new.

Lisa: ("So...this short lady is your boss").


Rude much, 159 isn't counted as is average...I am not short, I am at a average height and only I can call myself short.

"Don't take it to heart let me introduce Lisa, my dancing friend...we worked together after I...broke up with you".

Jennie: ("And she is my she wouldn't be able to cheat on you").

Lisa: ("And also, Solar is literally 27...I am 20, age difference...and also I see her as my friend and dance partner, so wouldn't steal her").

"And you know I wouldn't dare to cheat on are my sadistic yandere...who is also a mafia lord, I wouldn't want anyone to die because of me".

Great...I was just too overwhelmed by the fact she is hugging someone else, I'm so glad she wasn't cheating on me...and I never knew Jennie had a girlfriend.

Lisa: ("Now I get why she suddenly want us to move here, because her boss is working here").

"It's a pretty strange story...".

"Not that strange actually, you see...Solar broke up with Wheein, Wheein got crazy and killed people and decided to kidnapped Solar to this country and after some mess with Eric henchmen...Solar got traumatised and got anxiety, and after they had sex I think...Solar love Wheein again and now Eric is caught and we are all here".

*heavy breathing*

Lisa: ("That...was a...very detailed story").

Jennie: ("And yes, that is actually a real story")

Solar POV
Seriously they make it sound as if my life is a drama, and it really reminds me how much I wanna leave this place badly...guess they were right...people feelings do change overtime.

"I would have ran away if I could, this girl here got so crazy she put a shock collar on me".

"You can always run away, I'll still get will never be able to run from me...and you of all people...knows why".

I gulped and recall all the horrible things that have happened 3 months ago, all the people that got slaughtered and how I had to live in the basement for 2 weeks...I hated it...and I hated the fact that I still remember it, I love Wheein...I do love her...I just can't get over it.

"You alright...Yongsun".

"Yeah...I'm fine".

I continue eating my cheesecake, I'm hoping no more drama is going to happen...the moment Eric wakes up, Wheein will surely torture him...and hopefully he really dies this time, I have killed 2 people because of it.

"I love you...I really do".

"How many times are you going to confess your love for me".

"Hmm let see...I'll stop confessing my love only if Moonbyul stop fucking Hyejin".

"That means you won't stop right...I love you too my yandere".

I was about to lean in and kiss Wheein, only to be stopped when the girls started to fake gags and eye at me mischievously...and because the service staff were giving us a disgusted look.

"Sorry darling, seems like our friends and a certain stranger is judging us".

She groans and lean against the seat, I just glare at the service staff who were giving us that disgusted rude can he be, never seen anybody act sweet towards their lover...who is he to judge us.

"Is that boy bothering you...just one word and I can snap his head".

"'s alright Wheein, don't cause any problems".

"'s not fun when there's no blood".

"You can always see Eric in a blood bath...the moment he wakes up".

"And don't think I forgot the video you sent earlier...I...will make sure you lose your mind while fucking you, once my leg fully healed".


Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now