Part 16

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Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV
"Eric...oh my...I see some mans holding guns".

Eric: ("You think you and that psychopath is the only one with backups").

"Oh don't say that...I believe you threatened them, why would they want to work for an armless man anyway".

With just a nod, they start shooting the police officers dead...Lisa was visibly frightened by this, I held onto my am I suppose to fight him.

Eric: ("Don't kill her...I need her as hostage").

Lisa: ("What do we do...Solar...we won't be able to deal with guns").

Eric: ("I'll let that girl go...just surrender yourself to me").

I bite onto my tongue...he disgusted me, but Wheein isn't here to help me this time, why do we always have a fight at the wrong timing...think...Yongsun...what will your girlfriend do in this situation...alright...Plan B.

"Fine then...Lisa, hold onto this dagger for's my Moonbyul".

I hope she understands what I'm trying to do, she is smart and quick to know who to call...I gave her my dagger and walked towards Eric...I need to buy some time for Moonbyul to reach this place...if she even know how to come here...I could have called Wheein but I just argued with her.

Eric: ("good choice...idiot").

He pointed a gun at me...I knew he wouldn't just let me go, before he pulls the trigger I kicked his arm and grabbed onto the gun...pulling him away from his mans and forcing them to stay still.

"DROP YOUR GUNS NOW! I am known for being nice...but now...I think Wheein is right, just got to be bad".

They dropped their guns down and took a step back, Eric struggles to get out of my grip...I aimed the gun at his head and shot him dead...I'm not going to even let him get a chance to breath in this world.

Lisa: ("Is he...dead he still breathing").

"He should be...let me just make sure he is dead".

I shot his body a few more times, the boys that was with him were all shocked and frightened...they took a step back only to realise it's the dead end.

"SOLAR! Wow...Wheein would be proud...I got the message from Lisa, Wheein will be here soon".

"WHEEIN! Great...I just had an argument with her".

I told Moonbyul not to do anything to the boys...they were grateful for it but still afraid, Moonbyul mans took their weapons and soon after Wheein came with Hwasa.

" people gang up with Eric...and tried to take my girlfriend's life".

Lisa: ("Actually not really, at first Eric wanted to take Solar as hostage...but Solar was smart enough and handed me her phone and ask me to call Moonbyul...and after that she went into killer mode and killed Eric").

"Look I'll give you people a choice...he killed 10 of my guys and I need people to work for me...if you want to be alive...join my mafia gang...if not...burn in hell".

Most of the people choose to join the gang, some of them died after Wheein shot them dead, Wheein just left the bodies there saying it's a warning to people so they will be afraid of her.

Wheein POV that Eric Nam is not in this world, I have nothing to worry dearest Solar is finally free from that bastard...she wouldn't have panic attacks anymore hopefully.

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