Part 11

376 18 4

Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV
I grabbed onto his arm, the moment I let go of his arm...he will stab my face, I am not going to let that happen, I finally forgive Wheein after 2 months and I am not going to just die like this.

"Last get up and I'll kill you, or would you rather have my girlfriend torture you to death"

("P-Please just die...I need the money").

"I...have no idea where are we now....but I'm am sure it's jail time for you if you murder someone in this country".

That make me wonder, how did Eric even know I'm in this fact I don't even know what country are we in, it could be United States for all I know...and why is nobody helping me, they just walk pass as if it's normal for someone to stab me.

"I gave you a warning already"

I Move my head away and slammed him wrist down, it cut off my collar which made me quite angry...that collar was a gift from Wheein...I snatched the knife away and stab his hands...I cut open his wrist and stabbed his throat, I heard screams from the passerby...they can scream but wouldn't help me, how amazing...wait...oh god...I just killed somebody I don't know again, wait...I forgot to ask him where is Eric...wait what do I do with the dead body, Wheein usually have her mens deal with this kind of mess...but they are not here now.

"SOLAR! I knew it oh my what a mess".

Hyejin, what is she doing here without Moonbyul...and why is there so many people following her, why is she bringing so many men out today.

"H-Hyejin...please help me, what do I do with this thing...I just wanted to give him a lesson...h-he tried to kill me".

She sigh and facepalm herself, she look at the mens at the back and they took out guns...and start shooting all the passerby dead, I was shocked at what they did...they drag their body and lay them in the middle of the park and took the knife with them, she made a phone call and dragged me out...and started a fire.


"Don't worry, she is with Moonbyul just now...I told Byul what happened and they should be out now".

I calmed down and wipe the blood off my hands, that idiot drench me in blood...and it's not even mine.

"By the way..."


"Since when did you started fighting".

"Well...after umm the break up with Wheein...I went to some gym to release some stress".

The fire department is here...they put out the fire and the police questioned everyone about the dead bodies, but none of them know what have happened...when the police start walking towards us, I started to panic what am I suppose to say...I grabbed my left arm and clawed it making myself bleed...Hyejin was shocked but kept quiet.

("Madam do you know what happened").

He speak in English but I understood a's time to use the foreign card, I coughed a little before showing my injured arm.

"누군가 나를 공격했다"

("She must be a foreign...she is injured, probably one of the victims")

I looked at Hyejin and winked at her, she quickly understood what I am trying to do and came forward.

"Somebody attacked her, I think they ran that way...he was holding a gun".

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now