Part 3

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bold italics=Wheein

Solar POV
"babe...are you awake yet".  Wheein...why is she here with me, and why can't I see a thing...and am I tied up, where am I anyway.


"You're finally awake, I'm sorry I had to hurt you...and in case you are wondering, I have to tie you up and blindfold you...don't want any funny business from you my love". So I just got kidnapped by my ex girlfriend who is a mafia bad can this day go...where are we even at now, and why do I feel something around my throat.

"Where are we".

"Inside a car right now...and probably in another country, definitely not in south Korea anyway" .  I can't believe it we are in a foreign country right now...I can't just leave South Korea with her...but even if I try to escape where am I suppose to go...I can't really speak other languages.


"Your girlfriend is such a funny person" . This must be Ahn Hyejin, that crazy drug maker...she is just as crazy as Moonbyul when it comes to killing...and if she's here right now Moonbyul is definitely around us.

"Wheein...she knows that we are mafias right, what make her think we are afraid of the law...besides even they are afraid of us". And of course I was right, this trios are always together, even if they are some mafia leaders they still manage to have friends how strange...and until today I thought mafia people can never fall in love and they just some crazy killers.

"Where are we heading to".

"Our own paradise baby...don't worry we got everything there, our own 'toys' and food, drinks and whatever we just sit still and let me take care of you". Sit still and wait for you to kill more people because of way...I need to find a way out of this mess.

"How two are so in love".

"Of course we are...right darling~". I felt my throat went dry, something was near my head...a object probably a she serious right now, using a gun to threaten me into submission...of course, she is Wheein everything she do doesn't surprise me anymore.

"Answer me please babe...this thing I'm holding is quite dangerous".

"I-I...can I have some water first".

"Of course babe, open your mouth". I open my mouth slightly and felt some water pouring down, of course I drank it...I don't know if it's poison or whatever Hwasa made but I am thirsty.


"I love you so almost hurt". She caress my face gently and lean against my body...I almost forgot how loving she can be despite all her murdering and mafia activity...I believe she would have been everyone ideal type if it weren't for who she is right now...I really feel bad for her.

Wheein POV

She is really beautiful like this, even when I can't see her eyes...her beauty is still there...I wish she know how much your entire life mean to me Solar...there are many people after you...but they could never love you like I could...their nasty eyes were all focus on your private part...I could literally see the lust in those pedophile eyes when you performed...but I can't blame were really shining on stage.

"We are reaching in another 20 minutes...and this time make sure she don't run and Hyejin have our own dates too".

"We are reaching soon babe, you will love it". I know she will love it, I brought the whole land for the both of's a nice mansion with indoor pool and 3 indoor gyms and a nice swimming pool with a flower garden and a huge bedroom...of course there is a kitchen and a few chefs and maids around with my bodyguards and some soundproof thing that I just decided to add...cost a few millions but who really care about those money...just rob a bank...or just have people pay protection fees.
*[don't rob a bank and do those illegal things😅]*

"I would certainly love it if you untie me...and take off the blindfold".

"Not until we reach the place...just be patient my dear". I can untie her but I know her inside out...the moment I take off the ropes she would try to open the door, which is why I am waiting for us to reach home first, I mean imagine her trying to escape here...not that she can...but what if she open the door and ran out in the middle of the road and get hit by a random vehicle.

"Just take it off, we are here already anyways".

"Thanks Moonstar...have fun with your girl, let's go babe". I carried her body in the mansion gaining some odd eyes from the maids and bodyguards, I'll have to make sure they don't touch my girl later.

"Alright...I am going to untie you and take of your blindfold...but be a good girl and stay still". I untie her wrist and she immediately took the blindfold of her, she pushed me away and took a step back...I got to actually hurt.

"You literally drugged me"!

"I didn't drug you...I was just simply just putting you to sleep".

"Great...I'm still in my you have any clothes for me".

"But I like this outfit really match the choker I put on's tracking device". She move her hand towards her neck and gasp, don't tell me she didn't realize that.

"You are a crazy person...first you murder a you decided to put some weird heaty thing in you drugged and kidnapped me...and now you decided to put a choker that is a tracking device...what's next...BOMBS OR GRENADES LAUNCHER"!?!?

"You are overreacting babe, I murdered that guy because he was stealing you...the heat thing was just a sex drug...and you weren't going to come peacefully of course I would do that...and who knows if you might escape from me...and I don't work with explosive...they are always...loud".

"Not my point Wheein...we broke up already, so please move on...I doubt anyone would have the sanity you have anyway". I pushed her on bed and hovered on top of her, how are she say such things to me...I mean it's true but it wasn't for her to talk about it.

"I love you my sunshine, but you are always pushing my sanity worse...maybe I might have to get a shock collar for those dogs...getting shock when they misbehave...maybe I's only fair if you are going to act like a little bitch heh...that's will be my bitch". I grabbed onto her jaws and kiss her forcefully, she was too shock to do anything...I miss her mouth so much, I wasn't kidding about the shock collar too...she is really acting like a bitch.

"Not acting like a bitch now am I right....get up...I have some rules for you"

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now