Part 15

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Bold italics=Wheein

Solar POV
How is it possible for somebody who kidnapped me...make me feel so loved after sex...she was so rough...yet gentle at the same time...just the way I like.

"Guess I won't be hiding all the hickeys".

"Now everybody will know...who you belong to".

She said in a low husky tone...her dominant tone, she helped me wear my white leather collar after checking out all the hickeys she placed on me and spin me around to give me a kiss.

"No hickeys are needed, they know I'm yours".

When we went to the base...things weren't what we expected, a few mans were dead and some were badly bruised...Jennie was treating most of them and Moonbyul and hwasa wasn't here.


Jennie: ("Eric escaped...that's what happened").

Eric Nam...escaped, he shouldn't be able to escape...there is people watching him 24/7, he is literally chained in the air with one arm is it that at least 10 people died and 5 were badly injured...he is going to come after me and Wheein, I know he wouldn't just let us off like this...he is going to come after me and kill me, I won't be able to survive him...I mean look at what he just did to Wheein's peoples.

"W-Wheein...he is going to come after us, he will kill me, he just took down 15 of your man...just imagine if he come after us...I'm going to're probably going to be injured too...what are we going to do".

"No he won't, I won't let him touch you...I'll protect you darling".

"You don't get it...I know Eric more than I know myself, he is a manipulative...crazy...and probably a lunatic, no matter how many time you kill him he'll come back alive...until he kill us".

What if he found out where we live, what if he called the police on her...what if she got arrested and Eric come after me, what if he kill the both of us together.

Wheein POV
It's been some time since I saw her panic like's all because of Eric, even when I kidnapped her...she wasn't even afraid, she was scared but not until she had fear written all over her face.

"Baby...please, calm down".

"CALM DOWN! I mean, WOULD YOU TAKE A LOOK! They are your strong mans...taken down....BY ERIC WHO IS ARMLESS!"

I was shocked when she shouted back, is she so afraid of Eric...just how terrifying is he to her, where is he even at...this is not South Korea, and unless he understands English he will not be able to leave...he have no where to go literally.

"What a...bloody mess".

"What happened to Solar this time".

Moonbyul and Hyejin came barging in with a few mans behind, they quickly cleared the dead bodies and stare at me waiting for an explanation.

"So what happened to Solar".

"Panic Attack...Eric escaped".

"HOW! Your mans have always been very careful".

"Eric is a manipulative bastard, he probably made someone betrays Wheein...he done it once I doubt he wouldn't do it again".

How dare somebody betray me like this, whoever that is...that person is going to burn through hell with him, I'll make sure he swallows his own sin of breaking his loyalty towards me.

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