Part 4

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Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV
"So this is quite an important rule, Rule 1 never escape from me open that door and I will really get a shocker for you, Rule 2 never disobey me...I hate it when people don't follow my orders...Moonbyul and Hyejin are exceptional...until I trust you to be a good girl obey me, Rule 3 always stay near me...I don't want you to be even 1 meter apart, Last rule...don't you dare talk to anyone but know I get jealous easily and I don't want to have my clothes drench in blood...any time you break a rule I'll punish you".

Rules....I hated her rules...what makes her think that I would listen to her obediently, I despise her...she is a psychopath, a crazy killer...someone who is so strong and could break your neck in a snap...and the third rule is just way too overboard...just who does she think she is trying to make me stay near her...I know she is crazy but this is on a different she a yandere...couldn't be right...I mean maybe her crazy killing is just because she is a mafia boss but...this type of possessiveness is just crazy.

"Sweetie I understand you can't accept all of this, however for now just be a good girl and listen to me...we will be able to be the happiest couple other than Moonbyul and Hwasa".

"And you would be crazy thinking I will listen to you and your dumb rules". Why can't she just move on from me, I just want to live a normal life and away from a psycho from her...and suddenly I am kidnapped and force to stay with her.

"I love you so much...don't run away from me again". I hate it when she say those words with such an innocent tone, a innocent face with a gentle voice but a dark secret within her...I should call the police for help but even the police are afraid of her.

"I can't even stay a meter away from you, how do I escape".

"See you are learning, come on I had the chef prepare a meal for you". She dragged me to the dining hall...yes a dining hall a huge one too...she sat at the end of the table and pulled me towards her and pat on her lap for me to sit on.

"I can sit on the chair".

"I want you to sit on my lap".

"And I don't".

"Rule not...disobey me, and any form of disobedience means punishment". I groaned and sat on her lap, just wait until I find a way out of your life Jung Wheein.

"Eat up darling, I don't want you to starve".

Wheein Pov
She is so pretty, like an beautiful Solar, I held onto her waist and watched her as she munch onto her food...she can hate me for all she wants, but at the end of the day...she will still be possession, my

"It's delicious am I right...I had them use the finest ingredients from all over the world". I caress her cheek gently and smiled, I want this to last forever.


"Don't act sweet towards me Jung Wheein...I want nothing to do with a mafia boss". Those words just randomly came out of her mouth, I know she don't mean it...she choose to be with me back then, she saved me and made me feel love and confess to me...she said I made her feel safe, happy, and different kind of feelings that even words can't explain.

"I love you...I will never let you go...not in this life...and not in my next". I ignored all her hateful words towards me and hug her, It pains me to know how much she hated me...but I will make her love me again, we can go on dates and vacation together just like old time.

"I hate you...and I will never love you". She got up from my lap and walk away, breaking my 3rd rule but I didn't care...It's fine for her to be away as long as she is inside this mansion...I'll just give her some time to adjust to this, maybe after she got use with me...she might love me again.

"oh...I' funny". I gave out a weak chuckle as I wipe away my tears, I have never cried in my life before...even when that person tried to hurt me...I have never, so why am I crying now.

"Kim Yongsun...just how do I make you love me".

Solar POV
Crap was I a little too harsh...she is literally crying now, wait no why must I even feel bad...I was just stating facts, in the meantime I should look around and find opportunities to escape...what is she going to do anyway, sent an army of her dumb boys to get me, now...I should get a knife to cut off this choker.

("Ma'am do you need have been walking around for a very long time...I am not suppose to talk to you so please be quick before Ms Jung finds out"). I'm so glad she speak korean...I was so sure Wheein wouldn't have anyone who understand me here.

"Could you tell me where can I get myself a scissor...I need it urgently" She pointed to a door and walk off, I went in and start searching for the sharp object...I need to find it before Wheein come looking for me...found it, I held the choker and tried my best to snip it away...the material is hard but it eventually got cut off...I threw it aside and ran out.

"Shit where did Wheein even brought me to". I ran around until I spot someone sitting on a bench, great...I can ask her for help.

-Pretend she is speaking korean-
"Miss please help me, I was kidnaped in South Korea and I don't know where am I"

("I'm sorry...I don't understand you") Great she don't understand me...what am I suppose to do now...sign language...Morse translate...I don't even have my phone with me.

"Okay....I...Got...Kidnapped". I tried my very best to speak in English for her to understand me, she was very confuse but was shocked after understanding my situation.

("Oh my gosh...come with me to the police station"). I didn't understand her but followed her either way, we almost walk out of the park until I spotted Wheein and her group of crazy people...she turn to look at me and smirk before pointing at me...I didn't know what to do but her people started chasing after me, I grabbed the lady's hand and started running.

("Who are they").

"Run". I said in Korean but she mange to know they are trouble, I shouldn't have ask her for help now because of me her life could be in danger,

"Found you little kitten". Wheein kicked the girl away from me and grabbed onto my body, she look at me in a sadistic way before forcing me to look at the girl...her mans quickly rush towards the lady and grabbed her up, now I was for sure that she is going to die because of me.

"W-Wheein...please...let her go". I begged but it was useless, she forced me to look at the poor lady while she shoots multiple bullets in her body, the blood was pouring out and the whole entire area was dyed red.

"poor girl, dying at this age...because someone decided to run away...come on sweetie...let's go home...and we can design a shocker for you, and this time you will not be getting out of my sight...AND YOU, DIDN'T I SAID NOT TO EVEN LET HER NEAR THE FUCKING DOOR"! Now she is angry, if watching a slaughter show isn't enough...I am so in trouble.

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now