Part 5

360 18 5

Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV


I feel so's only 2 weeks since the incident happened and Wheein became worse than before, she chained me up in the basement and hardly feed me...she gave me plenty of water to stay hydrated...but I'm hungry...and worse she really put a shocker on knees are bruised from kneeling and blood was dripping down from my wrist from pulling the chains.

"Are you hungry".

I nod my head weakly and she lift my head up, I know what she wants...she want me to say it, I was wrong in the first place...why did I even try to escape, it ended up with a dead body and me getting imprison in the basement.

"I-I'm sorry...for escaping...please let me eat something...just a bread will do".

"Good girl...took you 2 weeks to realize what you did was wrong, but look at this...I only punish you and lock you here and you became so submissive...look at your beautiful eyes begging for me to release you...such a poor sighting".

I whimper at her words, she frighten me so much...she is a monster, I tug on the chains and tried my best to stay still but I just can't...I've been panicking a lot and she knows that...she carefully took of my chains and I immediately fell onto her arms.

"Are you going to escape again".

"I won't escape...I promise".

"See...that wasn't so hard right, let's get you clean up first...I'll have the chefs make you some delicious meal".

She carried me out of the basement smiling at me, some of the maids look at me sympathetically...probably feeling bad for me, I blink a few times to adjust to the lights...looking around trying to adjust to the new environment quickly...I was sure I saw Hwasa and Moonbyul sitting at the dining hall but I wasn't afraid of them at all...I was more afraid of Wheein.

-Just 30 minutes ago-

Wheein POV
It's been 2 weeks already, I wonder if she is ready to submit herself to me...what I did was for her own good, she can't just go escaping whenever there's a chance...and that idiot that was suppose to be guarding the door...killed him.

"Wheein....have you been listening to us".

I threw my cup on the floor and look up smiling, they better have something fun for me to do...or I'll be snapping all the maids head off and placing them on my fences as decorations.

"Chillax...we just wanted to ask where is Solar".

Wow...what a great the worst timing.

"She almost escape...again...and this time she tried to ask someone for help, I don't know who is the girl but I killed her...had her organs sold".

They look surprise but laugh it off, Moonbyul had her hands on my shoulder and handing me something...a type of drug...I took it and examine it before returning her.

"Why...I thought you want her to be obedient".

Of course I want my babygirl to be as obedient as she can, maybe even a submissive little pet...but no she just have to find a pair scissor and cut off the tracker and run out...luckily she didn't run far.

"I'm using another method...not drug, I want her to submit to me herself not with the help of some drug".

"Oh well suit yourself, beside it's temporary...I use it on my beautiful little killer every night".

No wonder she is always filled with hickeys, I almost thought she got rape every night...well Moonbyul did rape her...but disgusting.

"Don't you need to check on your girl, maybe today is the day she finally give up and submit herself to you".

I really hope she is right, it's getting very annoying every time I visit her she will start shouting at me, well It did stop a few days ago but she is still not submitting herself to me...I wonder if she will finally realize she is in the wrong.


I took off her clothes and threw it aside and place her in the bathtub, I look at her and wipe her body carefully...her body is quite fragile now...if she falls or anything her bone might break...and I should find bandages for her wrist too...gosh her hair is so oily...maybe locking her in the basement for 2 weeks is a little too much.


"What's wrong, did I hurt you".

"'s nothing".

She is different now...did I break her by accident, I didn't mean to break her...I only want her to obey me but now she is far worse than that she is terrified of me, the way she flinch and stutter around me tells me that at least...maybe I need to tone down a little from now on.

"Don't be scared of me...I won't hurt you unless it's a must".

"I am not scared of you...I just...not use to this yet".

She hug onto her knees and smiled at me, closing her eyes as I massage her scalp...I know she is lying to me, I can tell by the way she talks and her body reaction...she is afraid of me.

"It's okay to tell me the truth...I won't be angry".

I wash off the shampoo and dry her hair, she look so stunning now...I carefully wrapped the bandages around her wrist and carry her to the dining hall...Moonbyul and Hwasa was shocked to see her like this, they probably didn't expect her to be so...obedient I guess.

"Why don't you say hello to my friends darling...don't pretend to not know who are they".

"'s been some time".

Moonbyul POV
I can't believe Wheein manage to tame her, make me imagine just how harsh she was on Yongsun.

"It's good to see you again, hopefully you won't try to escape again".

I was being sarcastic we both know what will happen if she escape again...and this time Wheein even have her wear a's as if she is into pet play.

"She won' know what happen if you escape right kitten".

"N-No...I won't escape".

She is totally tamed, I'm actually very impress that she didn't need the use of Hyejin drugs this time.

"I am so not use to this".

"I guess we need to get use to this, me and Hyejin got to burn a few houses down...wanna join us".

"I love to...but Solar is still weak...maybe wait until she recover".

I guess she is right, being in the basement for 2 weeks straight without any food...normal human wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Well, we'll see each other soon I guess...hopefully your girlfriend recover soon".

I'm glad Wheein finally found someone she love, it must be hard for her to even feel love after what her father...correction that bastard did to her.

"I know what you're thinking, don't worry that bastard is dead...Wheein killed him...Solar just don't understand why she is important to Wheein yet".

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