Part 18

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Bold Italics=Wheein

*I have not much knowledge on kitten play, and I don't really know if kitten play involves leash like puppy play...but Yongsun is keeping the leash*

P.S- I use google to search about it and even watched some videos on it...I think I have at least a little knowledge on it...if I'm wrong about anything please don't come after me 😓

Wheein POV
I can't believe it, they really went all out on a birthday party...I wonder how they even do this.

"Happy birthday my sweet yandere".

"Thank you so much baby...I can't believe's my first party ever".

It would have been a lie if I say I wasn't excited the whole entire week, Solar said she had a very special surprise that I will be sure to love it...and she said I could use it however I like, I wonder what is she going to give me...a gun...a knife...chainsaw...murder weapons...I'll be glad to have those.

"Happy birthday...Wheein".

She handed me a few boxes, what did she even get for me...I opened them and was shocked at the items inside...well...for starters she got me a butterfly knife and a dagger with my name carved on it and second she gave me a god damm cat ears and vibrating panties with cat tail butt plug that can be attached to it...and...there's a note inside.

'Use it on Solar well...I know you want to try kitten play with her'

I grinned and looked towards Solar...who was unaware of my new gift, Hyejin facepalm herself and handed me a box...containing furry handcuffs and a leather whip.

"You girls know me so well...I'll definitely use them well...guess I won't need to go shopping for my toys today".

"What did y-you...BYUL! HYEJIN! Are you trying to make me limp know she definitely will go crazy during the— UGH!".

I look at her clothes today and frowned...I didn't even notice she changed just now, she wasn't wearing such a revealing outfit when we came here...since when did she even change...and her collar too, but I like her new collar...there's little small bells attached with my name carved on it...probably indicating that she is mine.

"I love your new collar...kitten".

I grabbed her body and lean closer to her ear, whispering it in my low dominant voice...grabbing her ass and giving it a light squeeze causing her to moan.

"But...I fucking hate your only wear this when we are alone, how dare you dress yourself up as if you're going to strip right in front of 60 people".


"I'll punish you...I'll make sure to punish you tonight kitten".

I will use all my gift on her tonight, I'll edge her and make her beg and cry out my name...I'll force her not to cum and make her squirt all over the the dirty little cat she is.

"Go easy on her tonight...she have a really good surprise for you".

"Can't you give me a hint at least...what is this surprise exactly".

"It wouldn't be a surprise if we just tell you...will it now".

I can't take it anymore, they have been making me so excited and hype up about this surprise...saying it will be sure to make my birthday memorable and unforgettable...just what is so special about this surprise...they didn't try to bring ggomo back to life or bring a whole entire dinosaur in this place right.

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now