Part 14(M)

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This...chapter is a little wild...




You still here...




I warned you...

Bold Italics=Wheein

-Weeks later after Wheein fully healed-

Solar POV
"Eric is awake, what will you do to him".

I took off her jacket for her, she just returned home from her base and I as her sweet girlfriend is planning to make her rest well.

"I don't really care about him...for now".

"But he hurt were bleeding".

"I always do the important things first".

What is so important she have let Eric survive another day, it better be a really important thing or I will be making sure she go back to the base immediately.

" had fun for 2 months am I right".

I flinched a little and let out an awkward laugh, I placed her jacket on the clothing rack and felt her getting close...I am in trouble aren't I...maybe I should calm her down first.

"W-Wheein I— MPFF!".

She covered my mouth with her hands and dragged me to the bedroom we shared, literally kidnapping me again...but this time I am really her girlfriend...I tried struggling a little to get off her grip but she is obviously stronger than me, she tied both my wrist on the headboard and spread my legs open tying both to the bedpost.

"'s late already, why don't we do this tomorrow".

I gulped and pulled the ropes, they were tight...she grabbed my leash and hook it to my collar ring and pull it up kissing me before letting it go.

"'s very late, and how are you supposed to address me".

She snapped the flogger and I instantly jumped, she swings it at the floor making that painful crack sound...I knew very well if I continue provoking her it will end up on my skin.

"I'm sorry master".

"Good girl, lets not rush things here...we have until daytime to end your punishment...scream out red anytime if you want me to stop".

She whispered in my ear so seductively, I felt a pool of wetness sticking on my undergarment already...she lifted up my skirt and gave my thigh a slap before pulling my panties out...the smell of arousal immediately filled the whole entire room.

"Master...what are you doing".

"Hush don't question me".

She took out a small vibrator from her pocket, she put it inside me and turn it on...starting slowly and turning it to a medium speed.

"Fuck....feels so good".

"Tell it fun teasing me~"


She slides her hand across my cunt and forcefully slaps my unexposed breast...she sats on the side of the bed and swings the flogger around my breast in a teasing manner...I decided to just provoke her a little more.

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now