Part 6(M)

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Bold Italics=Wheein

*This will be explaining about Wheein past and how she became a Mafia boss and a smut chapter in their flashback*

Solar POV
" are really important to me".

" I...important".

I don't know the reason why she is so obsessed with me, I remember when I first met her...she was so injured, bruises was all over her body, her head was bleeding and her motorbike was crashed into the wall...I wanted to ignore her at first, but I couldn't just leave her injured there so I brought her back to my place.

"You saved me".

"Wheein...I only help you that day...I didn't save you".

"I know...I still appreciate it, you made me...feel love other than Moonbyul and Hyejin...remember 7 years ago how we first met".

"How could I forget".

Although I wish I have never met you, or even help you that day...I shouldn't have brought you back to my place and become your friend, now I truly regret my parents were right be careful of strangers, you never know what secrets they hide.


I should go grocery shopping soon...but it's raining now, but if I don't get my groceries I have to order delivery...and it's 60 cents extra for delivery....but it will be hard for me to come back home with this weather.

"Alright either I get delivery and pay extra or come back home with soak hair".

You know what, I'll take the longer route...there's shelter all the way to the grocery shop...and I really need to save that 60 cents, let's go Solar.

All right maybe I should run while the rain is still not that big...I grabbed my wallet and keys and ran out of my small apartment, just as I ran down the stairs I heard something crashed into the wall...I look towards it and almost fainted at the sight of the blood.

" god....a-are you alright".

Oh my god, is she even much blood, should I call the emergency number or something...of course I should it's something natural...alright let me just see what's your name...where is her IC....alright is there anyone who can just randomly pass by and help.


I quickly slap my hands towards my mouth to shut myself up, why is there so many dangerous things inside her bag...a gun, some drugs and a knife with someone's blood...should I even call the police, but I don't have time for this...alright I should just leave her here...someone else will save her.


Oh come on, why must you make it sound so pain...I was just trying to get grocery on a rainy day and now you just appear out of nowhere...but what can I even do, you probably be dead by the time the ambulance come...and the things you are holding is very creepy...but...oh lord whatever...I held her body and her bag and carried her home...I need to go to the gym...she is so heavy.

"Alright let's stop the bleeding first....bandage...where did I put them".

I quickly rush back to her and gently press the cloth on the head, I am not a doctor but this is what I search on google anyways...I don't want to kill her by accident...I should have called the ambulance dumb Solar...not using your brain...I wrapped the bandage around her head and took off her clothes...that is soak in blood and a high quality do I clean this thing....and I know I shouldn't be staring but oh gosh...her abs are amazing.

Just My Yandere |Wheesun|Where stories live. Discover now