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ateez was on their usual hideout, talking and making a mess until yunho bursted into the room with a big smile.

"how was the confession? we couldn't ask earlier at class because it's embarrassing." san asked.

jongho looked at yunho with curiosity, maknae things.

"well... i still haven't received an answer because the bell rang before she could speak."

wooyoung whistled, "oh must be a sign from destiny."

"hey i'm telling you, she blushed and couldn't speak properly." yunho said as his cheeks turn pinkish while recalling everything that happened.

wooyoung looked at yeosang who was sitting behind everyone quietly. wooyoung's heart hurt for yeosang, he know how much courage he gathered just to think of confessing.

but within a second, all that courage got shattered.

"wooyoung stop looking at me like that. i'm fine." yeosang said as he caught wooyoung giving him a sympathetic look.

"ah i know! why don't we go and visit eunji?" mingi suggested.

mingi then looked at seonghwa who then looked at hongjoong who just sighed in defeat, "yeah sure."

everyone cheered, well... almost everyone.


after their classes, ateez went on their way to go to eunji's workplace.

yunho couldn't keep his excitement as he kept skipping while walking, earning a few weird stares from strangers they pass by.

the rest of ateez would just facepalm to themselves.

"we're here, should we surprise her? let's order then request for her." yunho said giddily.

jongho's eyebrows furrowed, "you seem weirdly used to doing this."

yunho and yeosang coughed, then looking at each other who then broke eye contact.

"s-shall we go inside?" yunho ushed everyone by letting them in first.

they all sat together on a table with a long couch.

yunho raised his hand to get the attention of one of the workers, while the others were searching for eunji all over the place but the place was so poorly lit and packed with people so it was useless.

yunho looked at the blushing female worker who had the time of her life looking at such gorgeous men, "could we request for eunji?"

she then nodded and walked away while giggling.

ateez then enjoyed conversing with each other until the manager who looked panicked went to their table.

"e-excuse me? are you eunji's friends?"

yeosang felt something is wrong so he asked, "what happened? where is eunji?"

the manager shakily answered, "i-i don't want to cause panic, but she's missing."

those words were enough to make the rest of ateez stand up from their comfortable seats.

"what do you mean she's missing?" san asked.

"she was working just a few minutes ago before you guys showed up, but when i looked for her, we couldn't find a trace of her except for her belongings on her locker."

yunho then ran towards the back of the club, going straight to the locker area, searching for eunji's.

after several lockers, he saw eunji's and opened it to see her phone and her bag is there along with her uniform.

the rest of ateez then stormed into the room.

"what did you find yunho? any sign of eunji?" mingi asked with panic on his voice. his best friend just got taken away, it was scary.

yeosang fell to the ground, "no. this can't be happening. yena, and now eunji? what do they want?!"

hongjoong went over to yeosang's side, calming him down by giving encouraging words.

"hey guys... you need to see this." yunho suddenly said as he was grasping eunji's phone.

they all crowded on yunho and the phone to find a big clue.

"coordinates... that must be where eunji is. let's go!" seonghwa said and hurriedly led the team away.

san then helped yunho with gathering eunji's belongings, while hongjoong talked to the manager about the situation before leaving altogether with the group.

"yena, eunji, please be safe." yeosang prayed as he almost broke into tears with san and jongho comforting him.

"come on get in the car." homgjoong exclaimed and they all took off.


a few minutes passed as they drive to the coordinates left by that mystery person on eunji's phone.

"i just hope that eunji and yena found each other by now." jongho broke the silence, his voice shaky from fear.

yeosang was several times more quiet than he already is, but everyone was too scared and angry to notice as they are all trapped within their own imaginations.

seonghwa who was driving sped up through the highway, beeping at all cars to move away.

"we're almost there. everyone, ready yourselves. tonight, we fight."

and as they reach the coordinates, they were greeted by a big warehouse.

ateez then dressed themselves up in black everything. black coats, black pants, black boots, black hats, and black masks. it was their usual getup whenever they do mafia stuff.

they then climbed down their ride and walked towards the entrance of the warehouse.

big bodied guards were standing just beside the door, "this is a private property. move along."

"well those people inside stole our family and friend. we're here to get them back." hongjoong spoke with authority, intimidating the guard.

"oh, so you're the guys that noisy bitch is with?" another guard spoke, earning a glare from ateez.

seonghwa walked towards that guard and growled, "shut your fucking mouth before i sew it shut for you."

the two guards then laughed, "you may come in, but once you come in, there's no guarantee of getting out."

yunho chuckled in a dark tone, "oh we know that, but it isn't us whose not getting out. its those people inside that dare take us down."

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