River stood at Peterkin's grave, her head hung low as Reginald stood beside the girl, his hands clasped behind his back. Silas and Topper stood at her other side, neither of them uttering a word.
"Though she has now departed let us honour her bravery and sacrifice in the line of duty." The minister spoke.
Silas looked over to River, he placed his hand on her shoulder and offered her a sympathetic smile, she had told him that Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin, not John B. Truthfully, he seemed to be the only one who believed her. It wasn't like she'd say someone in her family did it unless it was true.
"Through her memory, let us pursue what is just and right as we commit her body to the ground." The minister paused. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
River linked her hand with Silas, needing some comfort. They refused to do a funeral for John B and Sarah since there were no bodies to bury or cremate. The blonde didn't like it at all, she wanted to say goodbye to her friends so she could grieve properly and move on.
"We shall remember to uphold the ideas which she stood for." The minister ended.
Silas looked towards Topper, who motioned for him to come away and leave River and Reginald. Silas gave the girls hand a small squeeze before following Topper.
"Son." Reginald nodded towards Ward, he extended his hand out for the man to shake, but instead he remained still and emotionless.
River noticed the way that Rafe was looking at her. He knew that she knew he killed Peterkin. The blonde stepped closer to Reginald, knowing that if anything happened he would protect her.
She had been getting to know her grandpa more and he wasn't half as bad as her mother always claimed he was. He was a decent man with good intentions. He only wanted the best for her.
"Reginald." Ward nodded back in acknowledgement.
Silas watched the family closely, he knew a lot about the Cross-Cameron family. Ward changed his name so that he no longer had to associate with his father. It made Silas wonder what he did so wrong.
Ward tells everyone that he was a pogue, that he wasn't everything he had. That he worked to get it, but everyone knew otherwise. His father was the richest man in Outer banks, he hadn't had to work for a single penny in his life.
"How is everyone?" Reginald was attempting to build bridges, he wanted to be in his son's life, he wanted to get to know his grandchildren, especially now that he missed out on Sarah's life and didn't have the chance to get to know her.
The man scoffed in response, his father was a joke. Ward clenched his jaw and looked up at the man, his eyes darkening as he said,
"How do you think? We just lost a member of our family. My daughter is dead."
River glanced at the family, Rafe didn't seem to be bother but both Wheezie and Rose seemed affected by Ward's snappy remark. The blonde was too, she missed Sarah, she wanted to get to know her more. But it was too late for that now.
"My family to, Ward, don't you forget that." Reginald spoke sternly, his eyes narrowing to look at his son.
"Grandpa, I'm going to talk to Silas and Topper, if that's okay?" River spoke up, wanting to remove herself from the situation, plus she saw Silas taking a diamond necklace off of a nice old lady.
"Of course, pumpkin, I'll come and find you before heading home." Reginald nodded, a warm smile forming on his face, causing the corner of his eyes to crinkle.
River walked away but before she could make it to Silas and Topper, a hand wrapped around her bicep and pulled her away from everyone's view. Rafe pushed the girl against the tree, his hands tightening around her biceps, probably leaving bruises.
"You best keep your dirty mouth shut, Pogue." Seethed Rafe, he knew that she knew and he needed to do something about it before she blabbered to everyone about the fact that he was the one who killed Peterkin.
The blonde laughed, she ran her tongue over her bottom lip, despite being terrified that he was going to do something to hurt her, she remained cocky and confident. Although it was all an act.
"At a funeral, Rafferty?" She shook her head disappointedly.
Rafe clearly didn't like the name since he pulled her away from the tree, only to slam her back against it. He had an uncontrollable anger. And he knew if anyone saw him right now, they'd know he needed some serious help.
"How low can you go?" River's brown raised curiously, her once bright blue eyes darkened. She desperately hoped that someone would notice she was missing and come to help her.
"You don't want to mess with me." Rafe seethed. "You can pretend to be a Kook all you want, when really we all know that mommy was a slut who didn't want you."
"I think that's enough." Silas spoke up, he had realised that the girl was missing almost instantly and went to go and find her.
Rafe laughed once he saw the boy, his eyes flickered up and down Silas but his grip on River didn't loosen. The dark haired boy took a step forward, making Rafe realise that it was probably best to step away from River.
"Run along, cop killer." Silas smirked once he realised that Rafe's face faltered at what he said. He waved bye as Rafe ran off to be with his family again. "You okay?" He gently placed his hand on River's bicep.
River finally allowed her eyes to fill with unshed tears, she wrapped her arms around Silas' torso and buried her head into his chest. She felt safe with him, she knew that he would protect her.
But nothing felt as safe as when she was in JJ's arms.

Fanfiction"She found colours to paint him where the world had left him grey." Season One : Completed Season Two : Completed Started Season 1 : 18th April 2020 Finished Season 1 : 21st May 2020 Started Season 2 : 1st August 2021 Finished Season 2 : 23rd Februa...