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A/N: thank you all so much for the support and love you have given me. It means so much. Hopefully I should be back to updating daily, if not, every other day. I'll try to post two a day If I can. I hope you all understand if I can only post one. Hope you all enjoy,
Love you all


River sat next to JJ on top of the hot tub

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River sat next to JJ on top of the hot tub. He had collected himself now and everyone was acting as if nothing had happened the previous night, but River couldn't get the images out of her head of his bruised chest.

"John B pulling a Houdini." JJ announced as he placed his beer down, he wrapped his arms around River and pulled her closer. He placed a light kiss on her cheek. Her eyes were still red from all the crying last night and he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Yeah, where is he? I got my scholarship interview tomorrow morning. We gotta get this done!" Pope added.

"Speak of the devil. Hey!" JJ said as John B stormed forward. "Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and  everything." JJ lied.

"No he did not." Pope interrupted. "I did that." He corrected.

"Hey John B?" Kie questioned as he just walked into the house.

"Okay thats it?" JJ furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Uh, whats that all about?" Pope questioned looking over to JJ and River.

"I was gonna ask you the same question." JJ said as he jumped down from the hot tub. He offered his hand out for River.

Pope and Kie ran into the house after John B, but River pulled JJ back. "Baby girl what's wrong?" JJ questioned, cupping her small face in his large hands. His thumb ran along her cheek bones.

Tears filled River's eyes. "I-"

"I'm okay you know? I promise I'm okay." JJ cut her off before she could even get a word out. "I promise." He repeated. River nodded slightly.

JJ leant down and placed a small kiss on her lips. It didn't last long, only a second or two. But it meant everything. "I love you and I don't want you to have to go through anything like that again." River let a few tears fall, but JJ quickly wiped them.

"I love you too baby, now let's go and see what's up with John B okay?" River nodded with a small smile. JJ placed a kiss on her forehead before linking their hands and pulling her into the house.

"Bro, what's going on?" JJ questioned as John B frantically searched the house. He lifted up the cushion on the couch and pulled out JJ's gun. "John B what do you need the gun for?"

JJ pulled away from River, who stood by confused.

"No, John B." Kie attempted to stop him.

JJ tried to grab John B, but John B pushed him into the sofabed. "JB." River tried to stand in front of him and stop him but he pushed past her.

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now