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River was now sat with her head in Silas' lap as his fingers combed through her hair. They were now on the ferry and Kie was still complaining about her parents being overprotective.

"My parents are so paranoid of me being a pogue, like it's the worst thing that could ever happen." Kie complained.

"Hey, I hear they got good weed at boarding school, though." JJ spoke up as he sat on the roof of the car.

"I'm not going to boarding school." Kie snapped, looking up at JJ with furrowed brows.

"Don't knock it till you try it, my sister went to boarding school." Silas paused looking around at the group. "Best thing that happened to her, she met her wife there."

Everyone just turned to look at Silas confused. The boy just shrugged, his sister always told him how much she loved boarding school and how it was 'the best years of her life'.

River began to trace Silas' tattoos and snuggled closer to him for warmth. She wished that she had an extra sweater packed, but she didn't even bring anything with her. In fact, none of them did.

"They're gonna have to kidnap me, tie me up and throw me in a van." Kie continued, completely ignoring Silas' comment.

"Well, I say, we just crumble some herb right now." JJ said as he took a drag of his spliff before handing it to Kie.

"Hey Kie, have you tried to hit John B back on that number yet?" Pope questioned curiously, more concerned about John B and Sarah's safety than Kie going to boarding school.

"Like twenty million times." Shrugged Kie.

River slowly sat up and in between Silas' legs, his arms wrapped around the girl and only then noticed how cold she was. He looked over to JJ and gave him a look, making JJ shrug of his jacket and throw it to River.

"Thanks." River smiled sweetly as she pulled on the jacket and was instantly engulfed by his familiar scent.

"Some random lady at a hotel keeps answering."

"Well until we hear from them again, we gotta try and clear his name." Pope spoke up, he glance over to Silas, who was already looking back at Pope, causing a blush to rise on both their cheeks. "Right now this letters our best bet."

"Right. Stay on task." JJ nodded in confirmation. "That's why I love you, Pope."

Kie slowly stood up and went to hand the spliff to Pope. She bent down slightly a smile forming on her face that for some reason made River feel nervous.

"What Pope are you gonna be today?" Kie questioned, placing the spliff in front of him to take.

Silas watched as Pope just stared at it, unsure of whether to take it or not. From the corner of his eyes, he saw River shaking her head, telling Pope not to take it. They all knew that Pope wasn't the type to smoke weed or drink too much.

The dark haired boy took it before Pope even got to answer. He didn't even enjoy smoking weed, but he didn't want Pope to feel pressured by someone who was meant to be his close friend, if not something more.

"My turn." Silas took a drag of the spliff before then throwing it over board, earning a disappointed look from JJ for wasting the weed but also a smile from River since he was protecting Pope.

"Good Pope." Kie almost laughed. "Boring Pope." She then sat down beside JJ, making River scoff and stand up.

"I'm gonna go for a walk." River announced as she climbed out of the car. "Pope, wanna come?"

Pope nodded his head and offered his hand for River to take. He watched as the blonde girl offered a small wave to Silas and a smile to JJ.

"Why do you let her treat you like that?" River questioned as she walked around the ferry with Pope, both arm in arm with one another.

"Like what?" Pope questioned pretending to be clueless as to what the girl was on about.

River gave the boy a blank look, she knew that Pope knew what she meant. The way that Kie treat Pope wasn't acceptable.

"'Good Pope. Boring Pope.'" River mimicked, making the boy laugh. "You don't deserve that."

Pope didn't answer the girl, instead he lowered his head almost guilty at the fact that he let someone talk to him like that. River was right, he did deserve better.

"Don't get me wrong, Pope, I love Kie. She was my friend friend, heck she was like a sister to me." River paused, taking in a sharp breath. "But times have changed. She takes you for granted."

"You know, I used to think she had a thing for JJ." Pope admitted. "And John B." He laughed. "But then she was all over me the other day, now she's like this."

A thick silence washed over the pair, neither of them knew what to say. Admittedly, River got jealous at the idea of Kie liking JJ. It made her wonder who JJ would choose if it came down to it. Whether it would be her or Kie.

"I don't know what I did so wrong." Pope whispered softly.

River grabbed the boys bicep and span him around to face her. A stern look fell upon her face and she crossed her arms almost disappointedly.

"You did nothing wrong, Pope." River was honest about it, she wasn't about the lie to the boy. "She has turned into a bitch, and I don't know if that's just because John B and Sarah left or if it's something else." She paused. "But she doesn't deserve you."

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