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River left the boat with Sarah and Kie, she was basically clung to cousin's side once they had reunited. She couldn't believe that they were all back together again.

"Ugh! Jackpot." Kie shouted once she held up a watermelon. She threw it onto the ground, cracking it into pieces.

The girls gathered around and sat and ate the watermelon. River smiled, knowing that this waa probably the happiest she had been since John B and Sarah had gone missing.

"Okay, so you really got married?" Kie questioned after Sarah had finished explaining all the things she and John B went through whilst trying to make their way back to OBX.

"It wasn't exactly legal, but, yeah." The smile on Sarah's face was contagious.

Both Kie and River had smiles spread across their faces. The blonde hadn't ever seen Sarah look so happy.

"Am I crazy or is there definitely something going on between you and Pope?" Sarah questioned curiously.

River lowered her head slightly, knowing that Silas liked Pope, not that he would admit that just yet. But she wondered what Kie's take on the situation was so she stayed silent.

"Maybe." Kie shrugged.

"That's not a no." Sarah grinned teasingly.

"It's not a no." Kie confirmed as she continued to eat the watermelon, both of them giggling at one another.

"And Ve, what about you and JJ, still good?" Sarah slung her arm around a River and pulled her into her side.

River rested her head on Sarah's shoulder, letting go of a long sigh as she looked up to Kie. The brunette looked at the floor guiltily, knowing that River was probably going to tell the truth about her and JJ.

"We broke up." River whispered, her eyes glazing over with tears ever so slightly. "But all that matters right now is that you and John B are home." The blonde quickly stood up, grabbing another water melon to take back to the boys. "We should be getting back."

Sarah's looked over to Kie confused, wondering what on Earth happened whilst they were gone. Kie just shrugged in response, not exactly wanting to tell Sarah that she told JJ to give River space when she knew it was the opposite of what she wanted.

The walk back to the boat was silent, River walking ahead of the two with her head lowered. She had to remind herself to plaster on a smile once she got back to the boat.

"Hey, what y'all talking about?" Sarah questioned curiously as her eyes flickered over to JJ.

It was obvious to her that from the way he was looking at River that he was still completely and utterly in love with her. It made her wonder if John B knew what had happened.

"Uh, finishing." John B lied.

"Dropping lures." JJ added to make it more believable. "That's that, you know? Need help?" He took the watermelon from Sarah.

River passed her watermelon to Pope and with the help of Silas, climbed back into the boat. She smiled thankfully at the boys before taking a seat beside John B.

Her arms wrapped around his waist and her head buried into his chest. She had missed having him in her life. He was like her brother, she couldn't imagine losing him again.

John B cupped the back of River's head, glancing towards JJ and shaking his head. He had told him what happened between him and River. He couldn't believe that after everything, they had broken up.

JJ had told the group about his and Silas' plan, that he wanted the girl back and that he would stop at nothing until she was his again.

The trip back was filled with laughter and smiles. River occasionally cracked a joke, trying to fool everyone that she was okay. She had sat between John B and Silas for the ride home, until John B asked if she wanted a go at steering the boat, which of course she said yes too.

Sarah noticed the way that JJ couldn't take his eyes off of River. She knew that something was going off between them two and she wouldn't rest until she figured it out.

"There she is." John B smiled once he saw the Château.

"Bet it's good to see her old bones." JJ placed his hand on John B's shoulders. "Welcome home guys."

"You know, I gotta be honest. Not exactly looking forward to a check in at home." Kie spoke once they climbed off the boat. "My parents probably already arranged my funeral."

River jumped onto Silas' back, making his hands grip her thighs and hoist her up, not wanting her to fall. She pressed her lips against his cheek as a thank you before resting her head on his shoulder as he walked them up the dock.

"I also predict unpleasantries at the Heyward Household after I left the truck in Charleston." Pope announced with a tight lipped smile.

"Yeah that probably wasn't the best idea." Chuckled River. "But at least you can tell your cousin where it is and he can pick it up."

"No one knows we're here right?" JJ pointed out, a smirk forming on his face as he created a plan. "And you two aren't gonna get into any more trouble for showing up 12 hours later. Am I right or am I right?"

"You're not wrong." Pope nodded in agreement.

"So, that means we have 12 hours to do whatever the hell we want." Silas smiled, catching onto JJ's plan.

"A little pogue fellowship. How does that sound?" JJ questioned making his way to stand beside Silas, tapping the boys chest with a grin.

"The cops could be looking for us. It could be really stupid." Sarah pointed out.

River reluctantly nodded in agreement, they needed to keep a low profile so that the cops didn't figure out that Sarah and John B were back on the island. There's no way that they should risk it.

"Sarah Cameron, you've heard of my philosophy right?" JJ questioned with a teasing smirk, making Sarah shake her head in response. "Stupid things have good outcomes all the time. who's with me?"

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now