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A/N: okay so hey! I'm currently writing the LAST episode n I want to sob! So sorry in advance for what's gonna happen? Hopefully it's not too bad for you all! Thank you so much for all the support you have given me.
Love you all!


"Good news for the residents of Outer Banks

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"Good news for the residents of Outer Banks. Dominion Power says their underwater transmission line, which will restore power to 90% of the area, should be functional within 24 hours."

The four listened to the radio that Kie had left playing. The girl had hid them under some old shed that nobody came by any more.

River was fast asleep in JJ's arms. She had some how managed to curl up into a little ball on his lap. She had a tight grip of his shirt in her fists, and flinched every time there was a loud noise, she was a light sleeper. JJ tranced random patterns on the small of her back whenever she flinched, making her instantly relax.

JJ was glad that River was finally getting some sleep, he knew that she had been up for days. He tensed once the cop car sped by, making River stir awake.

"And still, no arrest in the shooting death of Sheriff Susan Peterkin. The state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest, a juvenile from-"

Kie reached forward and turned off the radio. River rubbed her eyes slightly, finally coming too.

"Lets game this out. Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but, who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron or us?" JJ questioned as River leant up and placed a light kiss on his cheek.

She was going to get off him, in fear of being too heavy, but JJ held onto her tighter so she wouldn't leave. He wanted her next to him,


"So the accuser is a big shot developer, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person, and the accused is John B. Who is pretty much a homeless 16 year old boy at the moment." JJ concluded.

"Thanks." John B nodded sarcastically.

"Shit." Pope said as he shook his head.

"Okay man, Yucatan, alright? I'm saying that's the only option. What other option do you have?" JJ questioned and River nodded in agreement.

"Enough with the Mexico bullshit. Alright? Sarah's gonna bail me out." John B shrugged, he trusted Sarah.

"She did witness the whole thing." Kie pointed out.

"And she's gonna snitch on her brother?" Pope questioned.

"I could try to talk to her, I mean, she's my cousin after all." River suggested.

"Not happening bro. Okay?" JJ said as he took a drag of his blunt. "We've gotta get you off the island."

"The ferry. It's the only way." Pope nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, exit stage left while you still can. Before the entire island is on lockdown." JJ said as another cop car neared.

"Guys just get down." Kie ordered and JJ pulled River closer to his chest.

"Sarah's not a Pogue John B." Pope pointed out.

"Yeah. You Can't stay here man." JJ announced, placing a light kiss on River's head.


They had managed to drive to the ferry, River was now sat in the middle seat rather than on JJ's lap. They all entrusted Pope with the job of finding out the ferry times.

"Okay. Alright no." Pope panicked as he walked back to the car.

"Pope can you act normal." Kie warned as people walked around.

"Okay so umm, bad news. The ferry's closed and there is this." Pope announced as he handed Kie the piece of paper with John B's face on it. 

"What is that? What is this?" John B panicked as Kie handed the paper back to River. River's eyes scanned over it and tilted it slightly so that JB could see it. John B was laid down so that no one would see him.

"Well John B, Uh, this is a good frame of you." JJ joked, he rested his arm on the back of River's seat.

"Okay so, the whole islands looking for John B right now." Pope summed up.

"That is a lot of money JB. I might turn you in myself." River joked as she looked at the $25,000 reward fee.

"Congratulations John B, you're now famous." JJ said as River handed him the paper.

"You guys we gotta get to the HMS. We need small, no running lights-"

"It's at the Château, Kie." John B instantly shut that idea down.

"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out. Let me this. Oh yeah, no. They definitely have that place on locked down." JJ said sarcastically.

"Yeah copy that." Kie scoffed.

"Let me think. Let me think. Just give me a second." Pope said as he closed his eyes as if it was going to help him think.

"We don't have a second Pope." River muttered anxiously.

"JJ!" Popes eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.


"Does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat. The Phantom. The one he used to race." Pope turned to face the blonde boy.

"Maybe." JJ answered but River didn't miss the way he clenched his jaw.

"You could get right up the coast, no problem." Pope summed up.

"Okay so, the surfs running form three to four." Kie muttered to herself.

"It won't be easy Pope. I don't know where the keys are." JJ panicked, River grabbed his hand and ran her thumb over his knuckles.

"We'll find them." Pope snapped.

"I'm thinking." JJ snapped back.

"No. He's not going home." River shouted angrily, she didn't care about any attention that she brought to them. Kie and Pope didn't care that JJ could get beat again for just going home, they only cared about John B and that didn't sit right with her.

"Shut up! You're causing a scene!" Kie whisper shouted as a few people turned to look at the car, but not enough for it to click that it was John B in the back.

"You're not going home J. I mean it." River turned to face the boy.

"It'll help JB." JJ shrugged, he didn't care if he got hurt again.

"We'll figure out another way." River's eyes filled with tears. JJ still hadn't recovered from the previous bruises.

"It's okay baby girl." JJ whispered cupping her face, wiping away a few tears that managed to spill.

River shook her head and her heart began racing. JJ smiled and placed a light kiss on her lips, he didn't care if the others saw, or what they would say. He loves her and,

he needs her to know.

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now