"Oh it's back." Rivers mother, Georgia scoffed. River ignored the comment and went straight to the kitchen. "You're dripping water all over my floor."
River's heart was pounding as she looked in the fridge for something to eat. River pulled out a pre-made ham and cheese sandwich. All they ever seemed to have was pre-made food. It normally made her feel sick, but she still needed to eat.
"You're eating? Aren't you fat enough?" Georgia laughed, the words slurring together slight as she was drunk.
"I haven't eaten all day mom, I'm hungry." River said slowly, opening the packet and taking a bit of the sandwich.
"You don't deserve to eat. You're a worthless scum." River sighed and went to her room to finish her sandwich.
River smiled once she saw JJ sat on her bed, she didn't know what he was doing here but she was glad that he was. He always made her feel better.
"Hey." She whispered, her eyes filling with tears. She looked down at the sandwich and sighed.
"Hey, angel" JJ smiled softly. He heard every word. "Don't listen to her okay. You're beautiful." He hated River's mother for everything she said to River. She didn't deserve it.
River broke down crying and dropped the sandwich to the floor, she was surprised that it didn't fall out of the packaging, so she couldn't help but let go of a small laugh, which only caused her eyes to fill with more tears. JJ was quick to wrap his arms around her and pull her into his chest.
"It's okay. You're safe with me." He whispered into her wet hair.
"She hates me." River whispered.
Georgia Cross, River's mom and an ex-Kook. When Georgia was seventeen, she fell pregnant with River. Reginald, River's grandfather, was ashamed of his daughter and kicked her out. Georgia didn't have any money of her own or a job.
For the first few weeks she sofa surfered, jumping from couch to couch. But her friends soon heard that she was pregnant and began to ignore her. Georgia lived on the streets for a month, she started saving money she got until she could eventually afford to pay rent.
She hated River for ruining her life. That's the story River has always been told. It was always River's fault. And after a while of being told it enough, she began to believe that it and everything else was all her fault.
"She doesn't." JJ whispered. "Why don't you take a shower, get in some clean, dry clothes." He suggested.
River nodded and aggressively wiped the tears away. Her eyes were red from the crying and her cheeks were puffy.
The blonde tan the shower and slowly climbed in, taking a seat in shower and let the water stream down onto her. She had pulled her legs into her chest and let her head rest on her knees. She tried her hardest not to cry.
JJ sat patiently on River's bed, if that's what you could call it, it was just a double mattress on the floor with lots of pillows and throws. She had been in the shower for half an hour now and JJ began to get worried.
He slowly made his way to the bathroom and knocked lightly on the door. There wasn't an answer so JJ let himself in.
"It's me Ri." JJ announced, the curtain was pulled in front of the shower. "I got worried, are you okay?" He questioned.
"I'm fine." She paused turning off the shower. She wiped her eyes and stood up. She pulled the shower curtain slightly so that only her head could be seen. "Will you pass me the towel?" She questioned.
JJ picked up the towel with a smirk. "This one?" He teased. River nodded, smiling. "Come get it."
He noticed the way the corner of her lips curled upwards. He liked when she was happy. All he wanted was for her to be happy.
"JJ." She groaned, throwing her head back. She let out a small laugh.
"I'm kidding." He laughed, he stepped closer and handed her the white towel with sea shells on it. River smiled and wrapped it around her before stepping out of the shower.
After getting dressed, River had curled up on the bed next to JJ, his fingers were tracing light patterns on her torso. She wore black shorts and a over sized top that JJ pulled up slightly.
"J?" River whispered sleepily. JJ hummed in response. "Tell me about our future."
JJ smiled at the girl. He used to do this when they were younger at school. When it was just the two of them. He was surprised she even remembered. It had been so long since he last did it.
"We're gonna get out of Outer Banks, me and you." He smiled as she closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest. "Maybe we'll go to Hawaii, somewhere warm. And we'll have a small house, three bedrooms and one bathroom." He paused. "And a huge kitchen for you. And the living room will only be small so that everyone has to sit close."
River smiled. Physical affection was the thing she craved most. It's why she loved when JJ held her hand or kissed her forehead. It's why she constantly leans on JJ, John B or Pope shoulders.
Her love language was physical touch, it was how she knew that she was needed and wanted. She found it stupid but it certainly made sense to her.
"And we'll get married, and you'll look beautiful, in a long white dress. We'll get married on the beach, barefoot. Surrounded by our friends." JJ smiled just at the idea. "And then we'll have children. A boy and girl. I don't have a name for them yet."
River let out a small sleepy laugh at JJ's comment. She already remembered everything, JJ told her when they were children that since they both lived in pretty toxic households that they'd get out with one another. And truthfully, River liked the sound of it.
"And we will raise them right. They won't be raised the way that we were. They'll be loved by their mom and dad. And we'll teach them how to surf and fish and how to drive a boat." He paused, a smile taking over his face. "They'll never go without, they'll have everything they need. As will you. I promise."
He looked down at the blonde who was now asleep. He smiled at the light snores coming from her and pulled the blanket over them. JJ placed a light kiss on her temple, before laying down himself.
He closed his eyes and whispered, "I love you, angel."

Fanfiction"She found colours to paint him where the world had left him grey." Season One : Completed Season Two : Completed Started Season 1 : 18th April 2020 Finished Season 1 : 21st May 2020 Started Season 2 : 1st August 2021 Finished Season 2 : 23rd Februa...