"Let's get you off this boat, baby girl." JJ spoke nodding for Silas to swoop down and pick her up so that she wasn't walking, usually River would have pushed him off after all she was very independent but she was also now drained.
Silas pulled her up and into his chest and she allowed her eyes to close and take in his scent, she was happy with the people she had around her and that they were so supportive.
"I don't see him." JJ spoke looking around for John B who was supposed to be getting the lifeboat for them to all escape on.
"J." Kie warned looking up at Eberhimi who approached round the corner rather angrily, Silas slowly placed River down on the floor he knew that he had more of a chance fighting without her in his arms.
Eberhimi unsheathed a blade and looked at the four stowaways in front of him, he had full faith that he could take them all despite losing to the other two just an hour previously.
"Of course. There's more of you." JJ said he reached out and pulled River closer towards him with her side, she found comfort in his hands on her waist and she also fully enjoyed his protectiveness of her.
"Get down on your knees." Eberhimi ordered but he looked awfully skeptical about anyone listening to him.
"Yeah, good one." Silas laughed in disbelief cracking his knuckles and then his neck, he was a fighter that was certain and he stepped forward to prove it.
"Not gonna happen." JJ agreed standing forward with Silas the boys now in front of both girls their masculinity showing through.
Eberhimi swung his blade down onto JJ and he was quick enough to dodge the swing and also push River slightly to the left so she wasn't hit.
"Go, go, go." JJ shouted as Silas pushed the man against the wall of the boat slamming his arm backwards to try and make him let go of the blade he was holding. Kie swung open one of the doors hitting Eberhimi backwards hurting his nose so he fell.
"Where's John B?" JJ shouted obviously panicking now.
"I saw him." River spoke up turning around to look over the rest of the boat so her back was to the fight, "He was looking for Sarah in the hallway. Surely he must've found her by now that was a little while back."
Eberhimi sliced forward with a scream knocking JJ backwards, he fell into the back of the boat hitting his head, he reached up to touch it feeling a little light headed but the man swung again this time towards River who wasn't paying attention.
"River!" Silas and JJ screamed at the same time as he lunged for her but it was too late the girl was knocked with the butt of the blade and with Eberhimi's full body weight and without a fight she fell from the boat crashing into the waves below.
Silas knocked Eberhimi backwards knocking him out on the floor watching as JJ hauled himself up onto the side of the ship.
"Find John B." JJ ordered towards Silas before diving in after River who was face down in the water her blonde hair spread in the waves. He tried to flip the girl over struggling to hold the girl up, hoping to god that she'd start to breath soon, "Come on, River." He chanted looking up at the boat to see Kie and Silas looking overboard.
"Is she breathing?" Silas worriedly screamed holding the boat edge with sweat pouring off of his palms with anxiety.
"No." JJ cried looking upwards, "I can't hold her up any longer." He panicked, she was light but not enough for him to carry a full dead weight.
"I'll go." Kie insisted climbing onto the boat side, "Get the life boat for the love of God, Silas, the quicker we're on it the better our chances of survival."
"Thanks, Bear Grylls." Silas said sarcastically as the girl dived down into the water to help River stay afloat, noticing the way that her body was outlined with red water.
Pope was in the crane, the gunshots were clouding his head and he decided if they couldn't have the cross then no one could so he let the rope drop apologising to Denmark as he did it.
Rafe ran straight for the rope to keep it afloat, he needed that cross and he wasn't about to let it slip through his fingers but Silas knew what Pope's thought process was and love fully took over his body and he slid across the deck to hit Rafe.
The boys fist collided with his head as the other crew members rushed to help him get the cross back on the boat, Rafe angrily let go allowing the cross to be handled as he swung for Silas pushing him to the ground hitting his nose until it bled to which he only laughed.
"We gotta go!" Cleo shouted as Pope climbed off the crane and towards the edge of the boat.
"Silas!" Pope screamed watching the boy as he was pinned to the floor, his head tipped to look at the brown haired boy and he sent him a smile.
"Go." He barely spoke but Pope shook his head, he didn't want to leave him because he belonged with the rest of the Pogue's "Go." He shouted again getting another punch in with Rafe before he continued to hit him, "You punch like a toddler." He taunted knowing that Rafe had the better of him but he wanted Pope to believe he had a chance.
Pope jumped into the water with Cleo not looking back because he knew that if he did he would've ran back to help Silas.
wrote by lucidgravity

Fanfic"She found colours to paint him where the world had left him grey." Season One : Completed Season Two : Completed Started Season 1 : 18th April 2020 Finished Season 1 : 21st May 2020 Started Season 2 : 1st August 2021 Finished Season 2 : 23rd Februa...