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River had just returned to John B's, she had previously been home to check on her mom

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River had just returned to John B's, she had previously been home to check on her mom. But she found her passed out on the couch with a bottle of wine next to her.

"Baby girl?" JJ whisper shouted from his seat in the hot tub. River couldn't help but smile at his voice. He sound happy. "Come on get in." JJ said as he tapped the side of the hot tub.

River didn't think twice, she pulled off her clothes so she was just left in her light pink underwear and hopped into the hot tub. She didn't even question where he got it from, or what was going on. Honestly, the thought skipped her mind, especially when JJ placed his lips on hers.

"I missed you." He whispered, pushing some of her hair behind her ear.

"I missed you too." She couldn't help but smile at him, although something seemed off. She knew what JJ was like and she didn't want to bring it up in case it upset him even more.

River and JJ heard faint talking, which made him switch on the outside lights. JJ popped open another bottle of champagne and handed it to River as Kie and Pope walked up to them.

"What did you do, JJ?" Pope questioned with wide eyes. JJ slung his arm around the back of the hot tub, River moved closer to him slightly.

JJ pulled his sunglasses down slightly before saying, "I got a jet going straight in my butt right now." He laughed. "Y'all should get in immediately, you hear me?" He poured two glasses of champagne for Kie and Pope. "Salud!" Both River and JJ took a sip of their drinks.

"How much did this cost?" Pope questioned.

River watched the events in front of her unfold.

"Well, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey, express delivery, pretty much all of it. Yeah." JJ pointed to everything.

Pope's eyes widened. "All of it?" He said in shock.

JJ's hand rested on River's thigh, his thumb stroking it slightly, trying to sooth her. He knew she was on edge. He could just see it. "Yeah all of it."

"You spent all the money in one day?"

"Yeah burned a hole right through my pocket." JJ smiled. "But I mean like, come on guys, like, look at this! Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that's what they told me."

Kie's mouth was parted slightly and she had a look of disgust on her face, which didn't go unnoticed by JJ. "Kie. What? Can't a man and his girl have a little luxury in life?" JJ placed a kiss on River's temple. River smiled up to JJ.

He pulled off his sun glasses and said, "Come on all this scrimping and scraping. I mean, like, guys we-you only live one right?" JJ's smile soon fell from his face.

But he quickly shook his head and plastered a fake smile on his face once again. "Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat's Ass. Come on."

"The what?" Kie questioned furrowing her brows.

"In the Cat's Ass." JJ chuckled. "That's what I named her. Oh hey, yo, I almost forgot." JJ clicked another button which made the disco ball spin and lights come on. "Huh? Yeah that's right. I know. Disco mode. That's right baby." He had a huge smile on his face as the water shot in different directions.

"Are you kidding me?" Pope questioned. "You could have paid for restitution!" He shouted angrily.

"Or literally given it to any charity." Kie snapped. River looked to JJ. She wasn't going to leave his side, something bad had to have happened that made him do all of this. He wouldn't have done it without a reason, he's not stupid.

"You could have helped us buy supplies." Pope continued, JJ placed his head in his hand.

"Guys stop." River said as she tried to comfort JJ, but they continued.

"To get the rest of the gold out of the well!" Pope continued shouting.

JJ stood up and shouted, "Okay well you know what? I didn't do that!"

River saw the bruises on his chest and tears instantly formed in her eyes. She stood up slightly but was completely taken back. JJ's dad was rough and gave him a fair few beatings but none ever that bad.

"I got a hot tub! For my friends. I got a hot tub for my friends. You know what? No, you know what? Screw friends." JJ paused, his voice cracking. "I got a hot tub for my family!" JJ shouted, he looked down to River who was stood next to him with tears streaming down her face.

"JJ What the hell?" Kie looked over the boy, covered in bruises.

"I got this for you. Guys, look what I did for you! Alright? Look at this!" JJ span around motioning to all that he had bought. "Look at this!" JJ repeated louder.

"J-" River was cut off by her own sobbing, she stumbled back slightly but JJ caught her.

"No, you stop being emotional. It's fine, okay? I'm fine baby girl, I promise." River didn't waste any time in wrapping her arms around him. "I mean it's sweet right? Everything-" JJ just broke down. He wrapped his arms around River's waist tightly.

"I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry baby girl." River held his head in her hand and he cried onto her shoulder. "I can't take him anymore! I was gonna kill him." River tried to sooth JJ by running her hand up and down his back. But she knew it wasn't going to work.

JJ clung onto River as the other two got in and also hugged him. "I just wanna do the right thing."

"I know baby, I know." River's voice cracked, which made JJ hug her tighter. He hated knowing that he had upset her.


JJ had passed out on River, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist as his head rested on her lap. He laid in between her legs as he slept.

River had been staring at the wall all night, quietly sobbing. She tried her hardest not to wake JJ up, he needed the rest.

"Please don't cry baby girl." JJ whispered, he knew River had thought he was asleep, he just enjoyed how safe he felt with River's fingers combing through his hair.

"I'm sorry." She muttered. "Go back to sleep baby, you need the rest." She attempted to smile, but more tears rolled down her cheeks.

"So do you Ri." JJ mumbled as he traced small patterns on her skin.

"I love you JJ, so much." River said as she lowered herself down, she didn't bother to unwrap his arms from around her, she just pulled him closer.

"I love you too." JJ whispered as she placed light kisses on his forehead,

making him smiled slightly.

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now