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The mechanic wasn't exactly the best move, Kie end up using her parents card to pay off their bills, which probably wouldn't sit well with them.

Now, the group were laid under the stars in the back of the truck. Everyone was seemingly asleep. Kie was cuddled up close to Pope, Silas had decided to sleep inside the truck, claiming that it was too cold for him, since he was used to a heated bedroom.

River sat up, her legs curled up into her chest as she thought about everything that they had all been through in the past few months. They were kids, none of them deserved to go through it.

She pulled JJ's jacket closer to her, smiling at his familiar scent. She looked at the boy, he looked so peaceful as he slept, she couldn't help but let go of a small giggle as his lips parted and a snore came out.

Hesitantly, she laid down beside him, desperately wanting him to do what he used too and wrap his arms around her waist and pull her into his chest. But part of her felt like it wasn't going to happen.

"What's wrong?" He spoke, making her jump. He opened one eye to look at the blonde, his hand reaching up and resting limply on her hip.

"Nothing." River dismissed, going to roll over so that JJ couldn't see her, but before she got the chance he pulled her into his chest.

"What's wrong?" He repeated, but sterner.

River took in a sharp breath, she brought her hand up to fiddle with JJ's necklaces. Her mind was racing, which admittedly wasn't her fault, but she always felt like it was.

"I just thought," The girl began, her voice shaking as she did so. "that out of everyone, you would have been the one to stay."

JJ looked down guilty, he tried to avoid eye contact with the girl, but he couldn't. Especially since he saw the way her eyes filled with unshed tears.

"You didn't think that I wanted to be there?" JJ questioned raising his brow, the girl couldn't help but scoff.

"No." She slid away from him and sat back up, making JJ do the same. "No, I didn't because every time I reached out, you ignored me."

"They said you were gonna be fine." JJ couldn't help but look over to Kie.

She was the person who told him to not message, that she would have a better life if they just left her alone. That's he needed space because she was grieving the loss of John B and Sarah.

River caught onto his glance and clenched her jaw, angered by the fact that he had listened to whatever Kie said. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip before saying,

"And you listened? I messaged you every day. I called every night. I got nothing back. You promised me that you've never leave and you did."

Her voice was shaking, every word her voice cracked. She hated the way her hands shook, so she hid them in his jacket.

"I lost not only the guy who's like my brother, but my cousin too. And whilst you three stuck together and spent every day by one another's sides, I got tossed aside." River couldn't help but allow a stray tear to roll down her cheek.

"Ri, I-" JJ knew better than to make excuses for his behaviour, it wasn't acceptable what he did and he knew that.

"God, I really wished that you thought it through, JJ." She ran her hand over her face frustratedly. "I really fell for you. I really loved you. I trusted you with my heart."

"And I betrayed you?" JJ raised his brows, making River nod in agreement.

She climbed over the side of the truck, she would much rather be squished in the front of the car with Silas than staying in the back with JJ and the others.

River was hurt and JJ knew that, but he thought that they were getting better. He thought that she was giving him a second chance again. But it felt like all that was happening was them falling apart. And that hurt.

"What happened?" Silas questioned as River crawled into the small gap on the seats. He wrapped his strong arms around the girl and pulled her into his chest as she sobbed.

"I don't know if I can trust him again." River whispered.

Silas wished that he could tell her everything. He felt like the second she finds out what deal he and JJ made, he would loose her for good. He wouldn't exactly blame her either. But instead of telling her, he sucked in a deep breath and said,

"Angelica, trust me when I tell you this, I've never seen anyone care for you the way that JJ cares for you."

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now