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River sat at the back of the class with her head down. She had asked her grandpa not to transfer her to the Kook academy, and allow her to remain in Kildare County High School.

She wasn't exactly paying attention to what Mr Sunn was saying, instead she was just doodling in the back of her book and taking small glances at the people who used to be her best friends.

Her eyes landed on JJ, he too had his head down, his hands running through his hair as he took slow and deep breaths. She missed when they used to sit at the back of the class together and exchange whispers or pointless notes.

Next was Kie, she sat with her head resting on her hand whilst taking notes. The two girls hadn't spoken since the loss of John B and Sarah, despite how close they used to be. It hurt her not to have Kie in her life anymore.

Pope, he was the only pogue that kept checking up on her. He always shot her a message to ask how her day was and even sometimes met up with her. He was helping her and Silas find out more about her biological dad. Although, they hadn't got very far.

A phone dinged and River looked over to Pope, who looked towards his phone guiltily but he remained silent as Mr Sunn asked,

"Whose phone was that?" He paused. "Nobody? You will be tested. Now, to recap, who was Diocletian?"

River grabbed her phone from her back pocket, she quickly typed in her passcode and loaded up whatsapp. Her heart dropped once she saw the photo of John B and Sarah.

She looked up to see JJ crawling towards Kie and Pope. She'd only assumed that they got the exact same message, which was made clear once she saw the different numbers in her phone, ones she recognised as theirs.

JJ stormed out, with Kie following him, claiming that it was a family emergency. She wondered if she should follow them or not. That was until Pope looked back at her and nodded, he knew that she needed to be there. They were her friends too.

She wasted no time in jumping out of her seat and running after Kie, Pope and JJ. She had to cover her mouth to prevent herself from laughing as JJ stumbled over a bucket and mop.

"I mean, is that even possible?" Kie questioned as they walked out towards the courtyard. "I mean, Shoupe said that they didn't make it. He said that."

"Okay, but I-I think we're overreacting, cause we can't rule out the possibility that this could all be some kind of weird, cruel hoax." Pope placed his hand on the small of River's back so that she wouldn't stray away from them.

River looked over to JJ, who was once again holding his hand over his heart. She wanted to go over and comfort him, but once she placed her hand out for him, he pushed straight past her to go and lean against the wall of the school.

"I'm just gonna ask." Kie shrugged, placing her bag down.

"What if it's actually him though?" JJ questioned, his eyes flickering over to River and softening slightly as he watched her rest her head on Pope's shoulder.

"I don't know." Kie shrugged as she text into the group chat.

The blonde waited anxiously, fiddling with the many rings on her fingers. Since she wasn't around JJ anymore, she had to find a different way to ease her anxiety.

"What is she doing here?" JJ pointed towards River almost accusingly. "She's not one of us anymore."

"Shut the fuck up. John B is my friend too." River snapped without meaning too.

JJ looked surprised by his snappy attitude but he wouldn't lie, he found it incredibly hot. His eyes flickered up and down her, he had to bite back a smirk.

"She's being trying to message you, JJ." Pope spoke up for River. "In fact she's being trying to message all of us. I was just the only one who responded and didn't cut her out completely." He paused placing his hand on her shoulder. "River's not the bad guy here, you two are."

JJ didn't even get a chance to reply as the phone dinged again, asking if JJ and River were there. Both blondes looked towards one another. The boy responded by saying, 'We're here Bree.'

River watched over Pope's shoulder hoping that it was John B and Sarah. Her hopes were confirmed when the unknown number messaged back asking, 'Did you pimp my short board?'

"It's him." River laughed, she threw her arms around Pope and buried her head into the crook of his neck.

Pope didn't hesitate on wrapping his arms around the girls waist and pulling her closer. He felt his shirt dampen from her tears, which broke his heart slightly. But they were going to get their best friends back.

The girl pulled away and watched as JJ pulled Pope into a hug, happy that they were all going to be reunited again. River watched with a sad smile as JJ made his way over to Kie to give her a hug.

Her eyes lingered upon the pair for a moment, wondering if JJ would hug her but she seriously doubted it. She watched as he pulled away from Kie and looked towards her. He didn't rush to hug her, instead he only offered her a sympathetic smile.

"YEAH!" JJ screamed happily, his fists pumping in the air.

"Laying super low in Nassau." Kie read. "How the hell did they get to the Bahamas?" They made it to where the gold was being kept.

"You can't kill a pogue, dude." JJ looked up at Pope and River.

"Especially John B." River whispered, looking down at the ground as she wiped away a few of her tears.

"Hell yeah, we'll clear your name, boy." JJ smiled as he read the text that asked for them to clear his name because he wanted to come home.

"Be in touch, P4L." Kie continued to read as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

River slowly stood up, she was glad that her best friends were okay. She was glad that they were going to clear his name. The blonde cleared her throat and said,

"I want to help. I want to bring home John B and Sarah." She was adamant that she would be apart of this, even if Kie and JJ didn't want her to be. "So message me with the information. I'll be there."

"You're leaving?" Pope questioned as the girl went to walk away.

"You guys should celebrate together. You're still a family. Don't feel like being the odd one out, but thank you, Pope." River smiled, looking over his shoulder at Kie and JJ, who were once again hugging. "Plus, I can't exactly watch them be all close, it hurts."

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now