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A/N: I'm gonna edit and upload them all today. There's only a few more so I hope you enjoy! If you haven't already go ahead and check out PRINCESS! Thank you all so much for your support!
Love you all


"Dude where is he?" Kie panicked as it was just past three o'clock

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"Dude where is he?" Kie panicked as it was just past three o'clock. He was meant to be here at three and John B was never late. Kie was thinking the word, and honestly so was River but she wouldn't let the others see that.

"Give him a second. He'll be here." Pope tried to reassure the panicking brunette.

"He's coming. He'll be fine." JJ said as he was still getting the boat ready for John B and Sarah.

"Oh shit." River muttered as the police car turned into the dock. "We're in trouble."

"JJ!" Kie shouted.

"Hey yeah. Get back on the boat. Get back on the boat. Untie it!" JJ ordered the three. River went to untie the ropes that kept the boat docked but John B stepped out of the police car. "Wait. No way."

"No f'ing way." Pope said as the four watched him walk towards them.

"As if." River mumbled as she ran into the boys arms and hugged him. "How did they not catch you." He laughed as his arms wrapped around her waist as lifted her up slightly. "I mean you're in a freaking cop car!"

"I'm sorry, uh-" Kie furrowed her brows and John B places River back down.

"You gotta be kidding me." JJ scoffed.

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin." John B joked with a half hearted laugh.

"Okay, that's believable. I'll buy that for now." Kie said as she hugged John B.

"It wasn't easy bro, but I got the Phantom for you, and she runs like she was made yesterday. You ready to go?" JJ said as his dangled the keys from his hand.

"Where's Sarah?" John B questioned looking around for the blonde girl and noticing she was no where to be seen.

"She's not with you?" Kie questioned furrowing her brows.

"No. No, we got separated in the swamp. She said she'd meet me here." John B panicked.

"No, we haven't seen her man." Pope shook his head.

"Okay well I'm not leaving without her." John B refused. He loved Sarah, he wasn't about to leave her.

"JB, you have too." River said with a small smile, which she hoped would reassure him that Sarah would be okay and that they'd take care of her.

"John B, look at me. I know you feel bad for leaving, but there's no time, man." JJ placed his hand on John B's shoulder. "You've got plenty of gas, you got plenty of food. Once you get around that point it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp okay? Once you get there, law low, alright? Hang out for a couple of weeks and then go over land, across the border at Brownsville, you got that? Brownsville."

John B wasn't even paying attention to what JJ was saying, he was just hoping that Sarah would turn up any second now.

JJ cupped John B's face and made him look at him. "Hey! You got that?"

"Yeah, yeah. Brownsville." John B nodded.

"Alright. Saddle her up, saltwater cowboy. Let's do this." JJ instructed.

John B gave River a quick hug before he climbed onto the boat. "Hey! Hey! I'm sorry for basically throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing." He apologised, tears forming his his eyes.

"Hey, John B, yo- we were bound to run off a cliff at some point right?" JJ said making everyone let out a small laugh. "At least we did it together though." He said as he wrapped his arms around Pope and River. River wrapped her arm around Kie and pulled her closer. "Pogue style."

"Pogue style." John B nodded.

"Get out of here! Please." Kie demanded, playfully shooing him away.

"Now, see you in two months, down in Mexico." Pope reminded him.

Two months didn't seem that long, but the Pogues had barely gone a week without each other before. It was going to be different without John B.

"Love you." JJ shouted with a smile.

"Hey-wait a second." John B said, he was close to tears. "Tell Sarah I said goodbye okay?" He looked to River and let out a small laugh. "You're in charge R.C. Don't let these idiots do anything else stupid."

"Aye aye Captain." River said with a playful salute. "But no promised." John B chuckled and shook his head at the blonde.

"Done forget. Cross the border at Brownsville okay?" JJ reminded the boy and placed a light kiss on River's head and pulled her into his side. Her arms wrapped around his torso as they watched John B.

"Got it." John B said as the four then went to push the boat so that John B could drive away.

River felt like nearly bursting into tears as she watched John B leave, but she knew she'd see him again soon. She just had to wait two months and then they'd all be reunited.

"You okay baby girl?" JJ questioned as he saw the tears forming in River's eyes. River attempted to plaster on a fake smile but it didn't work. JJ smiled and pulled her into his chest. "We'll see him soon."

"Two months. That's the longest any of us have ever been apart." River muttered truthfully.

"I know." JJ responded, his eyes flickered to Kie and Pope. He almost choked on his own breath once he saw them kissing.

That was a surprise?

Sirens were nearing with made everyone anxious. "Hey guys, I'm sorry to ruin the party, but uh, we gotta go right now. Come on." JJ said breaking apart Kie and Pope.

The four didn't even get a chance to get to the car before they were surrounded by cop cars.

"Hands up! Hands up!" The SBI agent called. River's hands instantly went up, she didn't not want to get shot today.

"We're too late. He's gone. God damn it!" Shoupe shouted angrily. "Bratcher, have your guys stand down. Let me talk to these kids. Alright where the hell is he?" Everyone remained silent. "Where the hell is he?"

"Who?" River questioned with a teasing smirk.

"River? Wonder what your grandpa would say. JJ? I see you're living up to your name. Pope, how about you? This isn't a fucking game. You can do the right thing now! Where'd he go?" Shoupe shouted angrily.

"Suspect has just left the station 26 in a small boat." The SBI agent, Bratcher, said into his radio. "Need marine patrol to respond."

"Oh we're so fucked." River muttered,

looking up to JJ.

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now