River stared at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe her eyes. She looked so beautiful. She got John B and JJ to drop her off at her home, she told them she had a few things she needed to do before tonight. But she didn't go home, she went straight to her grandpas house.
"You look beautiful." Reginald smiled proudly. River smiled at him and twirled around. Reginald had hired some professional make up artists to do River's hair and makeup.
"Thank you Grandfather." She paused. "I love it." She's never owned any beautiful dresses like this before, she could never afford them.
"We should get going pumpkin." Reginald said waiting for his granddaughter. He hated himself for not getting the know her sooner, she was turning out to be a wonderful young woman.
He also hated himself for kicking out his daughter, but his mistakes were his and he had to live with that. He had explained to River about all his regret, in hopes that she'd understand.
Everyone's eyes were on River as she walked in with Reginald. Nobody excepted it. "There's Pope." River said excitedly. "Do you mind?" She questioned her grandpa. She hadn't seen him since what went down at his dad's shop.
"Not at all pumpkin, go and have fun with your friends." Reginald smiled.
River placed a light kiss on his cheek and ran towards Pope. He saw the girl and smiled. "You look so beautiful tonight Miss Cross."
"Well thank you Mr Heyward." River curtsied with a innocent giggle. Pope twirled River around with a smile.
She truly did look beautiful, he just wished JJ could see her how. He'd be in awe. Pope wondered what the boy would say to her, how he'd actually react.
"You shouldn't be down here with us River, you should be up there with them." Heyward said, "And my son's right, you do look beautiful."
"Thank you, but I promised I'd help you." River said going to grab an apron but Heyward took it off her.
"Go and enjoy yourself River." He said, guiding her back to the party. River tried to protest but Reginald came and stood beside her once again.
Everyone turned to clap as the Cameron's came out of their house. River scoffed. "River." Reginald Warned. "Be polite."
"Mr Cross. It's good to see you again." Rafe said with a smile, shaking the mans hand. "And who do you have with you?"
River turned and faced the boy, rolling her eyes. "Fuck off Rafe." She didn't even mean to say it, it was just a natural reaction.
"River!" Reginald looked at her in shock. "Language." He couldn't believe it.
"He beat my friend up." River threw her hands up frustratedly. She hated Rafe for everything he did. She didn't care if her grandpa wanted to make a good impression on the Cameron's.
"You beat my granddaughters friend up?" Reginald questioned angrily, furrowing his brows.
"Gr-granddaughter?" Rafe stuttered looking between the two. He could see the resemblance. The same bright blue eyes and upturned nose. If his father found out what he had done-
-he would be in big trouble.
"Yes. My granddaughter. You touch her friends again, and me, you and your father will be having some not so nice words." Reginald threatened, smoothening out Rafe's suit. Rafe's breath hitched, and his palms became sweaty. "Now get out of my sight."

Fanfiction"She found colours to paint him where the world had left him grey." Season One : Completed Season Two : Completed Started Season 1 : 18th April 2020 Finished Season 1 : 21st May 2020 Started Season 2 : 1st August 2021 Finished Season 2 : 23rd Februa...