"She found colours to paint him
where the world had left him grey."
Season One : Completed
Season Two : Completed
Started Season 1 : 18th April 2020
Finished Season 1 : 21st May 2020
Started Season 2 : 1st August 2021
Finished Season 2 : 23rd Februa...
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Shoupe had took them all back to the tents they had set up in order to search for John B. They weren't far from River's grandpa's, in fact, they were practically on his door step.
"Follow Plumb to that tent." Shoupe said to Pope as he was the first out of the car. "Hold on wait for your friends."
"This way." Officer Plumb said to the four. River anxiously held JJ's hand as they followed her to the tent. They were surrounded by cameras and people asking questions or shouting things. JJ gave her hand a quick squeeze.
"Right, to your left here." Shoupe said motioning to the chairs. "Sit down. Don't move. We got a lot to talk about. Keep an eye on these kids." He instructed one of the officers.
River sat down and JJ instantly wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. "Everything's going to be okay baby girl, just stay calm." He whispered into her ear. She smiled at him and began to play with his rings.
"Okay." River nodded, although she knew even he didn't believe what he was saying. "Do you think they'll be okay?"
"I'm sure they will." JJ said with a fake smile. Honestly, he had no idea but he didn't want to worry her. He wanted her to remain as optimistic as possible.
"They've found them." River muttered once all the lights turned on exposing the boat on the water. "They're so fucked."
"It's okay, they'll be okay." JJ's said trying to sooth the girl. But it wasn't going to work. "They'll get out of there."
"River Cross." The SBI agent called. River's eyes widened and looked at the agent. "Come with me please." River nodded and gave JJ's hand a light squeeze. "You're uncle would like to see you."
River's heart began to race, why did Ward want to see her. He had 16 years to come and talk to her, to offer her a better life, he only wanted her now to get John B and Sarah home.
"What?" River snapped, crossing her arms as she stared at Ward Cameron. She despised him, firstly, he let her grow up with her mother and knew what she was like as well as how she was raising River. Secondly, he killed Big John. And finally, he framed John B for Sheriff Peterkin's murder.
"You need to tell them to come back. That's my daughter. Your cousin." Ward practically begged. River scoffed as Ward tried to hand her the radio.
"I'll talk to them, but not for you." River whispered and took the radio. "JB do you hear me?" River questioned and waited for a response.
"R.C?" John B couldn't help but smile, it had only been half an hour but he already missed her. She was family. "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay, are you?" She paused. "JB you're heading straight into a storm. And these guys, they aren't gonna back off." She paused again. "And Im not telling you to come back because I know they'll throw you in a cell before you can even explain, so you go head and keep going." The officers scrolled at her.
"I'm not coming back R.C-"
"I know, I know. I just want you to know that I'm grateful for you. You're like- you are my brother. And I love you." She smiled and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I love you too R.C." John B smiled.
"We both do Ve." Sarah cut in.
"Stay safe out there, I know you're innocent and so do you and that is all that matters. We'll hold down the fort here until we next see you." She smiled, she ran her hand through her blonde hair as everyone watched her with a disappointed expression.
"We've lost their radio signal sir." One of the officers called as all that was heard was static.
"What?" River panicked. "Get it back." She clicked down on the radio again. "JB? Sarah? Can you hear me?" She managed to sutter out. "Answer me please."
"Those are kids out there. Don't stop looking." Shoupe said into the intercom.
"You don't go anywhere." Shoupe said to Ward.
"What does it mean if the connection is lost?" River questioned Shoupe anxiously.
"They could just be out of range, or it could be the storm." He attempted to reassure the girl, but he knew better. He knew that something will have happened to the boat.
"This is your fault." Ward seethed grabbing River's forearms aggressively. "You're a worthless piece of shit just like your mother."
"Get off of my granddaughter." Reginald snapped as he walked into the tent. He only came down here to see what the heck was going on. He was sick of the static radios that kept cutting into his radio when he was trying to listen to his music. He wondered why and if it was just because they were too close so, he wanted to tell them to move their location. He didn't expect to his his son and granddaughter.
Ward quickly let go of River who looked equally as shocked to see Reginald as he did. "Father."
"Son." Reginald nodded. "Did he hurt you?" He questioned turning to River.
"No." She shook her head. Not physically anyways, she thought.
"What's going on?" Reginald questioned angrily.
"Mr Cross, may I have a word in private?" Deputy Shoupe questioned, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Of course." Reginald smiled politely.
"River you can go and sit with your friends again now." Shoupe smiled reassuringly. "We'll find you after to talk."
River looked to her Grandpa, who nodded. "I'll see you soon pumpkin." Reginald smiled.
River decided to take a slow walk back to JJ and the others. She needed time to think. She still hoped that they'd make contact again and that the boats wouldn't stop looking for her best friends.
After all, Shoupe ordered them not to stop looking. And it was Ward Cameron daughter out there. Surely, they wouldn't stop.
River looked out to the water and sighed. "I'll see you soon JB." She whispered before joining her friends again.
"Are you okay? Did they hurt yo-" JJ quickly stood up and questioned the girl. His eyes skimmed over her body for any new injuries.
"I'm okay J." She smiled. She didn't want to tell him about Ward or what he said. She didn't want JJ to flip out.
"What did they want?" Pope asked curiously. River's eyes flickered to his and Kie's hands. She let a small smile appear on her face. They'd be good for each other.
"They wanted me to pursade JB and Sarah to come back. I mean I understand why me, John B is like a brother and Sarah's my cousin. I think Ward tried and failed so they went to the next best thing?" She shrugged. "The radio cut out." She said honestly. "Shoupe said it was probably the storm or that they were out of range."
"It's probably the storm." JJ attempted to reassure the girl. "Right guys?"
He looked back to Kie and Pope who nodded in agreement,