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JJ pulled one of his spare sweater out of his bag and handed it to River, he also placed his hat on her head, so that her hair was out of her face. She barely even acknowledged him. "Look, Ri, I'm sorry-"

"You know I hate it when you do that J." She whispered vulnerably. She hated it, but also knew it was necessary.

"I know and I'm sorry I just-" JJ let out a deep breath. "Please take the sweater." River nodded and pulled off her wet clothes to pull on the dry, warm jumper.

She was instantly engulfed by JJ's familiar and safe scent. She couldn't help but allow a small smile to form on her face at the fact that the sweater came just above her knees.

"Thank you." She smiled, JJ pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. He placed a light kiss on her forehead.

River pulled away once she heard the sirens. "Shit, JJ." Pope mumbled.

JJ grabbed River's hand as the police came up to them, pulling her behind him slightly. He'd do anything to protect her, no matter what.

"Guys that's the police." JJ announced calmly.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Pope mumbled.

"What about John B?" River asked panicked.

He was still down there. She couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety. Soon, he would run out of oxygen and then eventually down. River's head was racing with all the different possibilities and outcomes.

"Yep that's the police." JJ confirmed.

"Just act freaking normal." Kie said as she pushed some of her hair behind her ear.

"Evening officers." Pope smiled, calmly.

JJ pulled River in front of him and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his head on her shoulder and whispered into her ear, "Stay calm baby girl, he'll be okay."

River began to fiddle with JJ's ring, it was something she did when she was anxious or nervous about something. She slowly nodded, despite her heart racing.

"Evening." The officer smiled as they handed Pope a rope so they could tie onto the boat.

"JJ, tie this off." Pope said handing the rope to JJ.

"How you kids doing? You know this marsh is closed?" Deputy Shoupe questioned.

"No." JJ said wrapping his arms around River's shoulders once again, hoping to bring her some comfort. "I didn't know that." He knew that the physical affection would calm her.

"No. Wow. Why-why is it closed?" Pope questioned.

"Well we're conducting a search out here. Boat went down." Shoupe said as he looked around.

The idea of them being on top of the boat they were currently searching for made River feel sick to her stomach. If they saw the boat, then they'd seen John B and they'd all probably be arrested.

"Oh." Pope nodded.

"Seen anything?" The deputy questioned. Once again, River began to fiddle with JJ's ring.

"No, no boats." JJ said.

River glanced over to Kie. She could tell the girl was anxious too. Both of them deeply cared for John B, but in different ways.

"Where's your friends you always hang with? He here?" Deputy Shoupe questioned.

"John B?" River questioned raising her brow, showing the officer that she was willing to cooperate.

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now