"Is this a game of tag?" JJ questioned curiously as they entered the library.
River hated going to the library, normally it's where people went to study but she couldn't study in silence, something about it made her feel on edge.
"I don't know." Kie snapped back as they followed Pope into the middle of the library, where all the tables were.
"Am I gonna have to beat you with your protractor? What's going on?" JJ continued to questioned, earning a disapproving look from the librarian.
River linked her arm with JJ and shot him a look, silently telling him to be quiet and just wait for Pope to tell them what was going on.
"Seriously, Pope. You're driving me insane." Kie sat down at their usual table.
The blonde hesitate a moment before taking a seat. She earned an odd look from Kie, which she quickly dismissed once she saw Pope's reassuring smile.
"Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committee." Pope explained as he sat down. "Take a look at this. Read it."
JJ snatched the letter from Pope and he stared at it for a moment before passing it to River almost guilty. He swallowed his pride before whispering,
"I can't read cursive."
River smiled sympathetically at JJ, knowing that he had always struggled with his reading, especially cursive. And now not only did she know that, but so did Pope and Kie, and he always wanted to keep it a secret from them.
"Dear Mr Heyward, I'm reaching out because I have material evidence that can exonerate John B Routledge. It is of vital important that you come and meet with me in person at my offices at 27 King Street, Charleston at 8pm sharp, tonight. Please come alone. Regards, C. Limbrey." River finished and turned to look at the group, wondering what they were thinking.
Pope had began to pace beside the table and JJ rested his hands on the back of the girls chair, trying to read the cursive writing again but having no luck.
"Charleston?" JJ questioned after no one said anything.
"It's like an eight hour drive, plus the ferry." Pope mumbled as he looked towards JJ. "How are we gonna get there tonight?"
Logically, there was no way that they could get there by 8pm, not unless they could time travel back a few hours. But they could at least get to Charleston.
River wanted John B and Sarah back, so she was willing to skip school and go awol for a bit if it mean getting them both back safety and quickly.
"We'd have to leave right now." JJ pointed out to the group.
His hands had began to fiddle with the ends of River's hair, something that she actually found kind of comforting. She closed her eyes for a moment and let go of a shaky breath.
"I have a free period." Kie announced.
The blonde scrunched her face up, even if Kie didn't have a free period, they'd be going. This was John B and Sarah. Their friends. Their family. There was no way that they were skipping up on the chance to bring them home.
"Screw free period. It's John B we're talking about, we're going to freaking Charleston." Rive stood up and then turned to face Pope. "I'll text Silas."
Pope nodded in agreement, he hadn't seen Silas in a while and certainly had missed the boys humour and sarcastic, flirty comments. Not that he'd admit that to anyone.
"Material evidence? What does that even mean, material evidence?" JJ whispered in confusion, making a smile spread across River's face.
"It means he can clear John B, baby." River placed her hand on JJ's bicep.
"Oh shit, then Ri's right we're going to Charleston." JJ nodded in confirmation.
His best friend could come home, they could drink together, party together and surf together again. All JJ wanted was John B back. So then the pogues could be restored to their former glory.
River chuckled and pulled out her phone to text Silas to meet them at the docks because they were going to Charleston. She also mentioned that it was for Pope so that he would be a bit quicker about it.
"I gotta tell my mom." Kie whispered. "Look if we get this in time, we are not giving it to Shoupe."
The blonde knew that if she shot her grandpa a text he would understand that she was off to help John B and Sarah, after all she had been keeping him in the loop for everything. She knew that way he couldn't get mad at her.
"Yeah, no duh." JJ nodded in confirmation, wrapping his arms around River's waist.
"I'm not sure, but I think whoever this Limbery person is, they might be related to the Captain of the Royal Merchant." Pope explained after her searched Limbery on the computer.
"You've got to be shitting me." River chuckled, she wasn't sure if it was pure luck or just a coincidence.
The girls phone buzzed, making River quickly glance at the text that she received. She pursed her lips as she turned to Pope before saying,
"Silas is in, he'll meet us at the docks."

Fanfiction"She found colours to paint him where the world had left him grey." Season One : Completed Season Two : Completed Started Season 1 : 18th April 2020 Finished Season 1 : 21st May 2020 Started Season 2 : 1st August 2021 Finished Season 2 : 23rd Februa...