Ch 2: Friendship is magic part 2

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Upstairs in her room, Twilight tries her best to ignore the party in the library.

"Hey Twilight, Pink Pie is starting pin the tail on the pony wanna play?" Daylight asked getting into the room.

"No, all the ponies in this town are crazy! Do you know what time it is?!" She asked frustrated.

"It's the eve of the summer sun celebration, everypony has to stay up or they'll miss the Princess raised the sun and what better way than to have a party!" Daylight said seeing her sister roll her eyes making her sigh. "You know Twilight I understand what you're worried about really I do, but you can't shut ponies out like this forever, your really missing out." She said leaving the room.

"Here I thought I could learn more about the elements of Harmony, but silly me all this ridiculous friend making has kept me from it!" Twilight groans and looks out her window. "Legend has it on the longest day on the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring about ever lasting night. I hope the Princess was right, I hope it really is a pony tale." She said.

"Twilight It's time to watch the sun rise." Daylight said. Every pony was gathered in the great hall.

"Isn't this exciting? Are you excited coz I'm excited I've never been more excited, well--"

"We get pinkie we're all very excited." Daylight giggled. The birds started to sing as Fluttershy conducted. "Fillies and gentlecolts as mayor of ponyville it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the summer sun celebration!" The mayor said causing the crowd to cheer. Twilight glanced at her sister to see that she has a very serious look on her face. "Daylight?" She whispered, wondering why her sister had such a face.

"In just a few moments our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!" The mayor said as Twilight looked out to see the mare in the moon disappear as she gulps in nervousness. "and now it is my great honour to introduce to you the ruler of our land the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day the good, the wise the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria Princess Celestia!" The mayor said and Rarity pulled the rope to raise the curtains and she gasped when the Princess was not there.

"This can't be good." Twilight said as the crowd erupts with whispers.

"Remain calm everypony there must be a reasonable explanation." The mayor said trying to calm the ponies.

"Oh,oh, I love guessing games is she hiding?" Pinkie asked looking around.

"She's gone!" Rarity said coming back from looking and the crowd gasped.

"Oh, she's good." Pinkie said but the screamed drawing the attention of everypony as they watched a purple sparkling fog.

"Oh no." Twilight said in dismay, and from the fog a dark alicorn with slotted eyes appeared.

"Nightmare moon." Daylight said and spike and Cosmic fainted.

"Oh my beloved subjects, it's been so long since I've seen your precious sun loving faces." Nightmare moon said.

"What did you do to our Princess?!" Rainbow demanded.

"Whoa there Nelly!" AppleJack said as she grabbed Rainbow's tail stopping her from dashing to the dark alicorn, who chuckled.

"Why am I not royal enough for you, don't you know who I am?" Nightmare asked.

"Oh,oh more guessing games!" Pinkie said as started to list off random names until a cupcake was shoved in her mouth by AppleJack.

"Does my crown now that I've been imprisoned for a thousand, did you not recall the legend, did you not see the signs--"

"We did!" Daylight said.

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