Ch 8: Look before you sleep/ Slumber 101

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it was another day in Ponyville, but today the pegusi were gathering up grey clouds in the sky while the rest of the ponies were removing loose branches off the trees.

Rarity took a branch and reattached it to the tree but something was not quite right.

"Hm...Ha!" She said as she had the Brilliant idea of turning the leaves into pony art.

"Perfect." She said but then a lasso caught the branch and pulled right off.

"Just take the broken limbs down rarity. Don't y'all care about nothing other than prettifying?" AppleJack asked as she spit out the rome from her mouth.

"Somepony has to, you're making an absolute mess of the town square AppleJack." Rarity said as she looked to the ground to see it covered in branches.

"Yeah, well the storm is going to make an even bigger mess if we don't prune all these loose branches so they don't tumble down on any pony." AppleJack said.

"I simply cannot imagine why the pegasus ponies would schedule a dreadful downpour this evening and ruined what could've been a glorious sunny day." Rarity said as the pegasus ponies covered the sky with more clouds that blocked out the sun.

"Think more practical like will ya, they accidentally skipped a scheduled sprinkle last week so we need a doozy of a downpour to make up for it is all." AppleJack said as it started to rain.

"Oh no! My wonderfully styled mane shall be ruined." Rarity said.

"You should've hurried up and finished the job already." AppleJack said but Rarity wasn't listening.

"It's coming down too fast, help me!" She whined and AppleJack said as she looked around and spot a bench closeby.

"There hunker down to your heart's content while I finish things." AppleJack said and Rarity ran towards it, but she froze when she saw the mud underneath.

"Oh,no,no,no!" She said.

"What now?" AppleJack asked.

"I prefer not to get my hooves muddy." She said.

"Ugh there's just no pleasing you is there, everything's gotta be just so." AppleJack said.

"Oh well how does muddying my hooves serve any useful purpose?" She asked.

"Y'all wouldn't know useful if it came up bit ya." AppleJack said.

"That doesn't even make any sense." Rarity said.

"Does so."

"Does not."

"Does so."

"Does not."

"Does so infinity Ha!"

"Does not infinity plus 1 ha."

The two ponies start glaring at each other.

"What say we go our separate ways before one of us says something she will regret." Rarity said.

"I reckon y'all are gonna say something you'll regret first." AppleJack said.

"On the contrary I believe it will most certainly be you who will say something you will regret first." Rarity said

"I'm not saying anything." AppleJack said.

"Nor am I."

"Y'all just be on your way then." AppleJack said.

"After you!" Rarity said and the two ponies glared before walking backwards away from each other but then thunder struck making the two ponies yelp in gear as they held onto each other.

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