Part 2 Ch 2 : The Return of Harmony (2)

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Daylight looked around in awe at the castle in the clouds. Once inside the walls were lined with mirrors and each one changed the figure of her reflection, each of them more different and colourful than the last.

"So, what is your name?"

Daylight snapped towards the mysterious, tall cloaked pony walking beside her.

"Uh, well my name is Daylight Glow." She replied.

"Daylight Glow, hm? What a beautiful name." They mused.

"Sorry, but I don't mean to be rude but I cant stay here. You see Equestria is in danger and--"

"There's always danger somewhere out there in the world, but no that is not you here. The crown brought you here for your own sake for what I don't know, so I suggest we talk." They offered as a table appeared with tea being poured out.

"No offense, uh, Ma'am but I don't know you so how can I trust you?" Daylight asked with scepticism.

"You don't, but if your crown brought you here than maybe you can give me the benefit?" They smiled as they took a sip of their tea.

"Okay." Daylight agreed as she took a seat.

"Oh how wonderful, you've no idea how awfully boring it's been in this castle made of clouds!" They clapped their hoods in excitment before leaning on the table with an expectant gaze towards Daylight.

"Uh well, I just wanna know something first?"

"Of course."

Daylight sucked in a hesitant  breath as the questions got stick in her throat.

"Well, go on."

"I wanted to ask, what is my crown?"

Daylight took off the crown and placed it on the table and they perked up at her question tilting their head towards her question.

"What do you mean, it not an accessory you put on your head?" They quirked.

"That's not what I meant!" Daylight yelped.

"Well, you're gonna have to be clear about what you want to know dearie."

"Well...what I want to know is, what is it? what is it's purpose and why did it appear from the Elements of Harmony, is it really not an Element of Harmony?" She asked asked hoping she became clear.

"Hm, well that is quite the question. What I can answer is that yes your crown is not an Element of Harmony. I imagine that your, uh, element was sealed in the Elements of Harmony so when they were activated naturally your elements was freed." They replied, but it didn't ease Daylight's heart and they could tell.

"What is the matter, is it so important that your  element is an Element of Harmony?" They asked.

"What? No, I mean yes, I-I honestly don't know! I thought that I was part of something amazing when my sister and our friends found the elements, I thought it meant that we had a bond that no one else had and now...and now--"

"You feel excluded, like you lost your place in this bond, correct?" They questioned and Daylight couldn't help but feel her eyes burn as they brimmed with tears.

"Now, now dearie there's no need to cry!" They panicked as they brought her handkerchief to wipe her falling tears.

"What do I do? I've never felt so lost before!" Daylight sobbed, she was really worried she didn't want to lose her place with her friends and sister, lately she's felt a distance, a wall that separates her. If she's not part of the team then where does she fit in?

𝐴 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑦 𝑇𝑎𝑙𝑒 ᵐʸ ˡⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ ᵖᵒⁿʸWhere stories live. Discover now